
Syfy to launch on Foxtel

NBCUniversal-owned channel Syfy is set to launch of Foxtel early in 2014, in high definition.

syfy_hdNBCUniversal-owned channel Syfy is set to launch of Foxtel early in 2014, in high definition.

Set to be part of Foxtel’s Drama & Lifestyle pack, it will screen classic science fiction and fantasy programming and fills the void left by the exit of the TV1-owned SciFi channel, which departs on December 31st.

Universal Networks International is currently working on the Syfy HD programming line-up and a full announcement confirming the channel’s line-up will be made in the coming weeks.

Syfy original programming has included Warehouse 13, Haven, Being Human, Defiance, Battlestar Galactica and Sharknado.

Syfy will also be available on Foxtel Play, Foxtel GO, Foxtel on T-Box and Foxtel on Telstra Mobile.

13 Responses

  1. Any more HD channels would be attacking their bandwidth to a point of it becoming necessary to increase satellite capacity you cannot keep reducing bitrates of other HD channels to support newer HD channels ?

  2. @ Pertinax – Foxtel have said TV1 will be replaced with a general entertainment channel. No details of what channel (or more importantly who will own it) have been released but if it is Foxtel owned than more than likely some of the TV1 classics could be picked up by 111 Hits and FOX Classics.

  3. All we need now is a new renamed version of TV1 and then we are set after Jan 1.

    I wish we had more choice in our cable channels rather than all the documentary/reality type channels.

  4. I can’t believe I actually tipped that happening!! :)

    I wonder if my ‘Quinella’ of TVLand HD will get up… :)

    I can’t help but wonder with IQ3 on the horizon and Digital TV Change-over, whether or not Foxtel might decommission some of their non-HD Channels – and maybe a few of the Timeshift ones as well – to create some new channel options.

  5. @ uniquerhys & cnrmlj – it wouldn’t be a direct feed, but an international version of Syfy U.S. (as is Syfy in multiple other countries or FX and MTV here – a channel with the same branding but slightly different programming), In terms of programming though it is anyone’s guess as it will be dependent on SF’s current programming deals and whether they are able to maintain them if they launch on an IPTV service (as was reported by TV Tonight last month). If they do close down completely and their current deals are null and void then technically Syfy could go and make new deals for them. But only time will tell.

  6. Speculation obviously, but I can’t see it being a direct feed of the us version at least initially because they wouldn’t have all the local rights. Wrestling for example is on fox 8 so until that deal expires or is cut short it will stay with fox 8. I actually can’t thing of any decent foxtel channels that are a direct feed of a US domestic equivalent. All the decent ones seem to be localized based on rights and other reasons.

  7. Now we see why Foxtel got rid of SciFi — they wanted to cut out the middle man.

    Next year along with SyFy they will have 3 BBC channels, Showcase which has an exclusive deal for HBO’s shows, FX for 20th Century Fox cable content and their own channel Soho for HBO reruns and what ever else is left over.

  8. Great to see that Foxtel are getting an internationally owned network to launch the replacement than launching another Foxtel-owned channel. And even better that it will be available in HD from launch – what SF has deserved for years. It will be interesting to see how the programming compares – especially the SF first run content (Lost Girl, Warehouse 13, etc.). It’ll be interesting to see what will replace TV1. If I was to guess from past Foxtel channel launches I would say they’d replace TV1 with FOX and relaunch FOX8 as FOX Family (especially with their ABC Family output deal). But, you never know when it comes to Foxtel.

  9. So basically they are going to replace SciFi AU with a direct feed of Syfy US? Which going by their web site is mostly wall to wall reality TV crap these days: Face Off, Ghost Mine, Fangasm, Haunted Highway, and on and on and on. Oh and that well loved sci-fi classic WWE Smackdown!

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