
WWE Raw goes Live on FOX8

Fanatical American wrestling series WWE Raw has been upgraded to a Live broadcast every week on FOX8.

2014-01-23_0030Fanatical American wrestling series WWE Raw has been upgraded to a Live broadcast every week on FOX8.

It will screen Live every Tuesday at midday.

“We are thrilled to be taking our viewers live ringside to each match as it goes to air in the US”, said Brendon Moo, Foxtel’s General Manager of General Entertainment Channels.

“FOX8 audiences have always been supportive of WWE Raw and are big fans of the series. Now those fans will be able to fully engage with the match and be part of all the action in real time.”

Live broadcasts begin on February 4 with episode 1080  from Century Link Center in Omaha, Nebraska, with current world champions Randy Orton, Gold Dust and Cody Rhodes.

7 Responses

  1. Yeah I heard about this. So excited!!! Can’t wait for it to be Live! should of been Live a long time ago, but I guess it’s never to late. Finally we have WWE Raw Live now.

  2. Most countries put on a after show and enhances WWE Raw. I remember watching one on The Score in Canada and was really well done. Fox 8 could benefit with an aftershow

  3. What’s this garbage about Hulk Hogan and Rowdy Roddy Piper having a re-match at WM30 – 29 years after the first one?

    Or Ultimate Warrior taking on Jake the Snake Roberts?

    Bring back the Great Bolo, Killer Karl Kox, Walter (Killer) Kowalski, Skull Murphy, Brute Bernard, Andre the Giant, Tex McKenzie… ooh, they’ve all passed on, haven’t they?

    A shame. Wrestling was so much more fun back in them days in the Sydney Stadium and Festival Hall…

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