
Monday night love affair for Love Child

Ratings: Nine's newest drama series debuted to an excellent 1.35m, but there's no stopping MKR at 1.92m viewers.

LC_0166Nine’s newest drama series Love Child debuted to an excellent 1.35m viewers last night, enough to win its timeslot and topple Revenge (862,000).

On social media last night the period drama from Playmaker Media was attracting plenty of positive comment. It helped take Nine to the edge in evening share, only pipped at the post by 0.1%.

There was no stopping My Kitchen Rules with another whopping audience of 1.92m viewers as the #1 show of the night.

Seven network share was 30.5% then Nine 30.4%, TEN 18.2%, ABC 17.6% and SBS 3.4%.

Also for Seven were Seven News (1.12m / 1.12m), Home and Away (939,000), Million Dollar Minute (420,000) and Chicago Fire (402,000).

Nine’s other performers were The Block (1.2m), Nine News (1.16m / 1.13m), A Current Affair (1.13m), Hot Seat (632,000), and the movie Crazy Stupid Love (325,000).

In preliminary numbers TEN Eyewitness News led for TEN (619,000), then The Project (460,000 / 309,000), and Sochi Winter Olympics (417,000 / 331,000). A Men’s Snowboard Cross final, which was effectively postponed, had 362,000 in 4 cities.

ABC News (875,000) was best for ABC1 then Four Corners (717,000), Australian Story (629,000 in 4 cities), Media Watch (629,000), 7:30 (625,000 in 4 cities), and Q & A (506,000). In Adelaide 74,000 watched a Leader’s Debate on ABC1.

On SBS ONE it was Stephen Hawking’s Future Universe (164,000), Swift & Shift Couriers (141,000), Strip the City (122,000) and World News Australia (114,000).

ONE led multichannels again although the top title was the curiously worded Simulcast at 312,000 in 4 cities -presumably from Sochi.

Sunrise: 341,000
Today: 299,000
ABC News Breakfast: 59,000 / 46,000
Wake Up: 45,000.

OzTAM Overnights: Monday 17 February 2014

25 Responses

  1. That Debate was also on ABC News 24 for everyone. I know because I flicked over and saw some of it.

    The INXS mini-series final will be on Wednesday at 8.30pm on Ch 72. I also know there was a repeat of the first episode on Seven on Saturday before the Sunday.

  2. Will have to wait for Sunday nights replay of Love Child or online to see if Love Child is any good. I recorded it but the reception was terrible.

    I watched Revenge – its just easier to stick with the show after the reality offering you watch then tape endings.

  3. @The Other Adam – As well as Comedy Inc, Mandy also was in heaps of Aust shows and had regular roles in MDA and Bed of Roses. Mandy’s major work has been treading the boards for 20 odd years in the Melbourne and the Sydney Theatre Companies (she’s a friend of a friend of mine).

  4. Glad it rated well as an Aussie drama. 7 might be worried, depending how numbers go. I skipped it since 9 keep shifting and shafting dramas and usually cannot stick with them. Unless they turn this into a franchise like Underbelly/Fat Co.Still amazed ACA is gaining over 1 million viewers. 9 must be happy with that.

  5. Strangely, though, the INXS docudrama has not had any “encore” presentations.
    I wonder, David, is there a right-to-repeat fee or clause involved?
    Perhaps Nine and Seven have them written into their production involvements, whereas INXS was an outsourced production?
    I mean, last Sunday we had three hours of “catchup” MKR and Seven and Ten regularly screen H&A and Neighbours full weeks episodes on Sundays.

  6. @ The Other Adam, Mandy McElhinney (Rhonda from AAMI commercials ) was a regular cast member on Comedy Inc. I thought Love Child was great. I had no problems ditching Revenge for it.

  7. Hi has anybody else started to notice over the last few weeks how Jennifer Keyte keeps filling in for Peter Mitchell on 7 News in Melbourne its been on different days and she’s is filling in for him tonight might be worth looking into but then again its probably just nothing. i think the both of them would work well paired together.

  8. As someone else mentioned recently, must be very frustrating having people ask questions that are already answered in the story.
    matthutchinson10 – “Just wondering, what did the debate that aired on ABC1 in Adelaide rate?”
    Read story.
    In Adelaide 74,000 watched a Leader’s Debate on ABC1.

  9. @smit0847 – The Project at 7pm actually rated 460,000, while at 6.30, it rated 309,000.If at anything, it should stay at 7pm, and put something else in the lowly rated 6-7pm hour slot

  10. 10 have no excuse to keep The Project running at an hour with that massive drop in numbers at 7pm. Cut it to 30 minutes.

    Repeats of the Simpsons or Modern Family would rate better than 300k.

  11. Love Child was very good, engaging from the start. Jessica Marais is a talent, for sure, but the ensemble cast were all good.
    It dropped into soap a little bit in the middle, but it’s period detail and hints of darkness were very well realised.
    I’m hoping Carlotta later in the year is as good.

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