
Milat miniseries helps Seven win Sunday

Ratings: Australian drama took centrestage last night with 1.39m turning in for Seven's miniseries.


Australian drama took centrestage again last night as Part 1 of the Catching Milat miniseries drew 1.39m viewers for Seven.

They were excellent numbers for the true crime drama, with audiences were biggest in Melbourne (465,000) followed by Sydney (372,000). Part 2, which delves more into the conflict on Task Force Air, screens next Sunday.

Afternoon AFL helped drive big numbers into Seven News which in turn saw House Rules top Masterchef for the first time.

That battle left Nine with depleted stocks for key brands such as Reno Rumble and 60 Minutes.

Arvo sport was the key for the night with the A League grand final ending in primetime for SBS and lifting their share.

Seven network won with 34.3% then Nine 23.4%, TEN 20.2%, ABC 15.0% and SBS 7.1%.

Seven News (1.45m) was #1 for the night. Next for Seven was Catching Milat (1.39m) and House Rules (1.15m). Castle was 444,000 and Cougar Town was 174,000.

Nine News (1.27m) was best for Nine then Reno Rumble (821,000) and 60 Minutes (740,000). Inside Story was 344,000 and Stalker was 212,000.

MasterChef Australia (1.04m) was strongest on TEN. Modern Family was 699,000 / 457,000, Shark Tank was 559,000 and TEN Eyewitness News was 450,000. NCIS: New Orleans was 217,000.

ABC News (922,000) led for ABC followed by Animal Super Senses (601,000), Poldark (597,000), Compass (350,000) and Top of the Lake (324,000).

On SBS ONE it was Life and Death in Herculaneum (343,000), A League (315,000 / 295,000), She Wolves: England’s Early Queens (271,000), Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life (140,000).

GO!’s Big Bang was best on multichannels at 269,000.

OzTAM Overnights: Sunday 17 May 2015

25 Responses

  1. I didn’t watch Milat nor did it prompt any discussion at work today, something that the “television event of the year” (as the laryngitis-suffering Seven promo voice over guy insisted it was) perhaps should have!

    1. Reno Rumble has consistent ratings of 700-890000 on each show. HR ratings are all over the place, only the reveal shows have improving numbers, the lead ups all dip in ratings. Before we can determine which reno show has won, we have to see what the following weeks bring.

  2. Reno Rumble is a stinker… what has happened to Sunday Night? Has it been axed? Tara’s interview was the best offering from Nine last night and what has happened to INside story? I thought it was about crime?

  3. We went to the movies so recorded Masterchef & Shark Tank (both were good episodes). Forgot about Catching Milat so will 7Plus it this week sometime.

  4. Great to see House Rules do well last night. Reveal episodes are the best. Catching Milat wasn’t bad. I will watch the conclusion next week but a few people i’ve spoken to today have said they won’t be watching it.

  5. I don’t think TEN have done any favours to Shark Tank by putting it in it’s third or so timeslot, which I might add does not match the family-targeted audience the show has. Sure it is fine for just adult viewing but I personally can vouch that it is good fun to have the entire family commenting on the sustainability of the said product, whether the Shark’s will go for it – and if so which ones, etc. But I guess the reality juggernaut in the designated family-friendly timeslot takes priority.

    1. Agree.
      Just OK.
      Would have like to see a bit more character development and background for the backpackers and Milat family.
      Needed to concentrate more on what circumstances led Milat to follow the depraved path he took.
      Perhaps Part 2 may delve more into this.
      Geoff Morell is always good in any part he plays though.

  6. It will be interesting to see what numbers the other shows get on catch up and PVR recordings. I watched Milat and will be playing back Shark Tank and NCIS and Poldark and Top of The lake later today.

  7. There’s something that I don’t just don’t understand… I don’t get why “lead-in’s” help determine ratings… are people really likely to watch a show just because it continues on the same channel they were just watching? I change the channel all the time… I just don’t understand it… it’s a part of the ratings system that baffles me

    1. I also change channels or rather I set the timer on the EPG and let the TV change channels for me. But in answer to your question, a lot of people do not think of changing channels, I remember my late mother had the TV stuck on our local commercial station, and I had to fight even to watch ‘Bellbird” OK a long time ago but the mentality still remains with a lot of people who just do not think of changing channels…..it is too hard ….or can not find the remote.

      1. Part of the cause is that stations don’t end or start programmes at the same time as each other much anymore, a deliberate ploy to discourage channel surfing.

    2. I agree I don’t watch the next show just because I watched the show before it. If the show is good enough it should be able to stand on its own.

  8. Lol Big Bang repeat still didn’t better then gotham and arrow, what gives, good work nine keep killing ur shows, and I’m still waiting for PoI and mentalist to come back

    1. They were two terrific eps of Big Bang, really went with their comic themed night. I enjoyed Go’s line of up of TBBT, Gotham and Arrow last night. I hope they keep it that way. I hope this will not be a vain hope.

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