
Season high for Footy Show as Nine wins Thursday

Ratings: Thursday drew a season high for The Footy Show, a timeslot win for The Bachelor and solid numbers for Lewis on 7TWO.


Thursday was an easy win for Nine, with individual shows topping key timeslots with the exception of 7:30pm.

Despite its later start in Sydney, Nine’s Footy Show drew its biggest audience of the year at 692,000 viewers.

The Bachelor had another timeslot win for TEN drawing 899,000 last night, up on last Thursday’s 817,000 viewers.

Seven has cleverly drawn upon its multichannels on a low Thursday with 7TWO’s Lewis impressive 352,000 outranking Restaurant Revolution on the primary channel.

But the soft night goes to ABC with low numbers from 8pm.

Nine network won with 32.4% then Seven 24.5%, TEN 21.1%, ABC 15.2% and SBS 6.7%.

Nine News (1.07m / 1.03m) topped the night for Nine then A Current Affair (914,000), The Footy Show (692,000), NRL (683,000 in 2 cities), and Hot Seat (580,000). King’s Cross ER was 297,000 in 3 cities.

Seven News (908,000 / 882,000), Home and Away (708,000), Border Security: International (462,000) and Million Dollar Minute (428,000). Restaurant Revolution was just 297,000.

The Bachelor won its timeslot with 899,000 for TEN. The Project was 635,000 / 443,000, TEN Eyewitness News was 557,000, Law and Order: SVU was 447,000 and Zoo was just 162,000.

ABC News drew 777,000 for ABC then 7:30 (624,000), Who’s Been Sleeping in My House? (476,000), The Honourable Woman (341,000) and Catastrophe (206,000).

On SBS it was Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Notebook Melbourne (298,000), Ainsley Harriott’s Street Food (295,000), Luke Nguyen’s France (249,000) and SBS World News (151,000).

OzTAM Overnights: Thursday 27 August 2015

13 Responses

  1. David, do you think if 7 were to swap Restaurant Revolution and Lewis around would it change the figures at all? I think it would make RR even lower and Lewis would hold roughly steady.

  2. Not much love for The Honourable Woman. I’m sticking with it altho’ I’m not enthralled. Too much of it seems gimmicky and doesn’t ring true at all. I am enjoying Catastrophe tho’.

  3. The gap between 7 news and 9 news seems to be widening. I know 7 thinks that the lead in is the main cause of this but I wonder if they did something a bit different to 9 like, perhaps shortening their news back to 30 mins instead of these laborious 1 hour bulletins full of fluff and rubbish, if that would have more of an impact on ratings. I know it would get me to watch their news service again.

        1. Sydney and Brisbane too? And Wednesday night?

          I really think people are more interested in shows about the English property market from five years ago.

    1. In my opinion from watching Sevens Sydney news, their fluff pieces are done poorly which lowers the tone of the whole hour. I can see why they would want to move these to a Today Tonight format and perhaps lift their quality.

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