
Bachelorette, Gogglebox win for TEN as The Verdict pushes Nine to third place

Ratings: Thursday was tops for TEN, but the audience has rejected The Verdict on Nine.


Thursday was an excellent performance by Network TEN winning the night in primary shares and forcing Nine into third place.

The Bachelorette was the #1 show of the night at 930,000 viewers, with Gogglebox‘s 674,000 as its biggest ever audience. It also won its timeslot.

While Nine managed 795,000 for RBT it plummeted to 396,000 for the second outing of The Verdict, despite the show improving on its earlier chaos.

SBS drama The Principal landed rave reviews on social media, finishing with 300,000, a modest rise on Wednesday’s performance.

But it was bad news for Please Like Me. While 129,000 improves on its ABC2 outings, the show is yet to overcome its place as being a critical hit but not a popular one.

Seven managed to win the night thanks to its multichannels pushing it over the line. The Chase continues to outrank Hot Seat but Mesmerised tanked at 411,000 -fourth in its slot.

Seven network was 26.4%, then TEN 25.7%, Nine 25.5%, ABC 15.9%, and SBS 6.4%.

Seven News (918,000 / 869,000), Home and Away (719,000), Highway Patrol (608,000), The Chase (547,000 / 388,000) and Autopsy (427,000). Mesmerised was just 411,000. The Amazing Race was 149,000.

The Bachelorette topped the night at 930,000. Gogglebox won with 674,000. The Project was 570,000 / 413,000, TEN Eyewitness News was 457,000 and Law and Order: SVU was 311,000.

Nine News was 925,000 / 903,000 then A Current Affair (898,000), RBT (795,000 / 755,000), Hot Seat (490,000) and The Verdict (396,000). I Am Innocent was just 237,000.

ABC News (733,000) led for ABC then 7:30 (690,000), The Chaser’s Media Circus (522,000), The Musketeers (320,000) and Antiques Roadshow (273,000). Please Like Me was just 129,000.

The Principal finished with 300,000 for SBS. Next were Shane Delia’s Moorish Spice Journey (277,000), Destination Flavour Japan (152,000), SBS World News (136,000) and Masters of Sex (119,000).

7TWO’s Judge John Deed led multichannels with 269,000.

OzTAM Overnights: Thursday 15 October 2015

40 Responses

  1. Could it be the wrong time of year for Please Like me and The Mucketeers. I recorded both but have yet to watch either. Have a few too many shows on the PVR. I think winter would have been better.

  2. I respect Karl and I believe he has great opinions to share. He is completely let down by this show format. They really had one chance (last week) to get it right, and people now know Q&A and The Project do it much better. Give him a interview show or investigative journalism show in the style of Louis Theroux or One Plus One.

  3. If I was Ten l would be looking at putting the Bachelorette on Mondays and Tuesdays and getting more people watching it. I reckon Gogglebox may be worth putting on at 6.30pm five nights a week and having different families each days and cutting The Project to 30 mins.

  4. Except for the occasional 60 mins. surely this must see the end of Karl Stefanovick’s foray into prime time. In this format he is hopeless and seemed to be controlled by the voice in his earpiece. As I suspected he is not as good as he thinks he is !

  5. The Verdict was significantly better on last week, I still think a change of night is needed perhaps a Tuesday or Friday is better suited and ditching Mark Latham he adds absolutely nothing to any conversation and only enjoys the sound of his own voice.

  6. I am not sure viewers are wanting The Verdict style shows on a Thursday night. By the end of the week, we must want to stare blankly at mind numbing TV like Gogglebox and Beauty and the Geek style shows. I draw this conclusion because quality BBC drama like Honourable Woman and now Musketeers have both bombed badly on Thursday nights.

    1. I think I enjoyed The Honourable Woman (Hugo H-H was certainly great) but Gyllenhaal’s performance was disappointing and at times overwrought, and ultimately I found the series unsatisfying.

      I watched The Musketeers last night and the script was about as predictable and by-the-numbers as it gets. It was like a pantomime with all the familiar and easily identifiable characters that children like. However, it wasn’t quite as dumb as Robin Hood so there is that.

  7. I wonder with the relative success of Gogglebox, will they seriously consider other projects with this kind of programming (premiere first on Foxtel, next day FTA)

  8. The Bachelorette home visits….did anyone else who watched it, think that Michael’s Dad seemed to like Sam? just a little too much?

  9. How did The I.T crowd go? I’m wondering if ABC2 outdated ABC1. Please Like Me averaged 67,000 last season but yes you are correct it premiered at 103k so this is a slight rise compared to it’s secondary channel premiere last year. I’d suggest not nearly enough to justify the channel swap.

    They should shift it back to ABC2 for the rest of it’s run, they can’t have 9.30 on a Thursday ratings less than 100k and that will probably happen next week.

  10. Please Like Me – still getting beaten by Peppa Pig!

    Please Like Me could be infinitely improved if it had a plot. And a second act. Plus a third act. And maybe some jokes. Or at least some witty dialogue. Then throw in some jeopardy and even a theme to tie the whole thing together. You know, like every other sitcom or “comedy drama” ever written.

    Before anyone accuses me of being anti-Josh, I was equally disappointed with The Ex-PM, so all of the above comments apply to Micallef (seriously, how many times did Micallef think he could milk calling “Ellen” “Helen” and think people would still laugh?)

      1. Yes. And I watched the first and second series too. Every episode. I like Josh’s self-deprecating brand of humour (he reminds me of a young Woody Allen). I just wish he’d write a “proper” comedy to showcase his talents. I know it’s hip to be original, but PLM is just a bit too original for an Australian audience.

    1. It is my understanding that The Verdict was only ever a one-off of four or five episodes to plug the gap left by The Footy Show until the ratings end in November. It won’t be back next year.

  11. How is The Chase outranking Hotseat. Hotseats numbers are beating Chases numbers everyday or are you showing the results of Chase half hours in the wrong order.

      1. Maybe not, but it’s not really helpful either. We can all work out highest to lowest, but we cannot tell from the information you give which slot is which. To me time order would be more useful.

        1. As I am writing on ratings performance these are highest to lowest. The Ratings section which is linked in the story is always there to complement, and vice versa. Seven code as The Chase Australia and The Chase Australia 5pm. The second half is always higher.

          1. Given the continuing confusion regarding this, despite you explaining your position several times, why not simply list the numbers for split shows in time order, as a conceit to your loyal readers?

            Alternatively, list them with their coded titles.

          2. Not convinced it reads well to list lower ranking shows ahead of higher ones: ie it was followed by Home and Away (755,000), The Chase (420,000/ 600,000) and The Blacklist (580,000). I provide a lot of detail already, I’m not looking to start offering time codes for now.

          3. I think time order reads fine. Could we ask people whether they consider that it reads well enough via a poll?

            Normally wouldn’t press an issue but people keep raising it. You’re in the communication business and clarity should always be a prime consideration even if it means conceding ground on something of minor principle.

          4. It’s fine the way it is. It’s clear. All programs are ranked by highest numbers.
            From all other channels lineup’s down to The Projects splits.

          5. I’ve gotta admit, I’ve been reading the ratings for weeks assuming that the chase at 5pm was higher rating and then hot seat was starting and the chase was dropping.

            It’s very hard to tell when you have a 1 hour show (coded into 2) against a half hour show.

            As for the chase itself….. Apart from paying the “talent” and building the set, it seems to be a very cheap show to make…. Haven’t seen much money given away.

  12. Not that long ago, Thursday was a dead night; but with a bit of interesting scheduling from Ten and SBS this last few weeks, there is a healthy spread among different networks; with even the highest raters still well under a million; in fact three quarters of a million; other than the Bachelor/Bachelorette. Ironicall for Josh Thomas, not enough people seem to like him enough; me included to bother tuning in. Small doses yes, but not as the leading character.

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