
Bumped: How Not to Behave

The final episode of How Not to Behave will air at 10pm this Wednesday.


What appears to be the final episode of How Not to Behave will air at 10pm on ABC this week.

The show has made way for the return of Kitchen Cabinet this Wednesday.

Gretel Killeen & Matt Okine look at the dos & don’ts of devices at the dinner table & explore how to politely commandeer someone’s Wi-Fi. Plus comedian Tom Ballard joins the hosts to talk about the pros & cons of technology.

8 Responses

  1. For those who don’t remember, one week the show was pulled in the days after the PM spill to replay the Malcolm Turnbull ep of Kitchen Cabinet, hence the odd ep remaining

  2. They should have done this after the second ep when it clearly wasn’t going to work in that timeslot. Presumably they didn’t want to shove a repeat of QI in there but they could’ve tried The Last Leg and brought Kitchen Cabinet forward a bit.

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