
Tenplay ticks the platforms

Tenplay is available on more platforms than any other Free to Air network.


With all the chatter about Live Streaming of Seven and Nine, where does this leave TEN?

There’s no word as yet about their plans but their Results Presentation today did include some info about the current state of play, as readers are often asking about various platform compatibility.

According to TEN, tenplay is available on 11 platforms, including Apple TV and Windows Mobile.

It will add Telstra TV in 2015 and PS4 in 2016.

TEN indicates it currently has the capability to live stream and selectively broadcast TEN Eyewitness News, Family Feud, The Project and Studio 10.

Chief Executive Officer Paul Anderson said, “tenplay, our online catch-up and streaming platform, continues to attract new users and to achieve strong usage and revenue growth, with record video view recently for The Bachelor Australia and The Bachelorette Australia.”

In the week ending October 17, tenplay had 1.1m unique visitors.

28 Responses

  1. So to take Ch 10 look good the PS3 and PS4 are considered “one channel” but the Xbox One and Xbox 360 are considered separate – I love marketing

      1. Who cares – they are still two separate platforms and only done that way to show TEN is on more devices than their competition – its separate hardware and technology and should have been counted as such.

  2. As others have mentioned the graphic is wrong, SBS has a Windows app. And on Windows Apps, I have to say that’s how I watch Tenplay on my laptop because despite this being an i7 processor it is all kinds of stuttery on the normal website.

  3. TenPlay (across AppleTV and everything else Apple) and iView (via PS3/4 and everything Apple except AppleTV) are absolutely fine and we use them a lot. SBS OnLine works best on PS4 but I hate using Plus7 on PS3/4 and iPad and as yet have had no reason to use JumpIn.

  4. There is only ABC iview and SBS On Demand are the only applications through Panasonic smart TV’s. I have used either HDMI cable from TV to laptop or Ipad.

  5. I don’t bother with any of the apps as I find that they all have quirks or deficiencies. Don’t know why more people don’t just leave a cable hanging out the back of their TV, hook up their laptop or tablet with full browser, and enjoy the big screen experience. I stream stuff from overseas in 720p or better and it looks good.

    1. I realise it’s not mentioned here, but with Netflix I don’t receive surround sound through the browser – have to use an app. I imagine it’s something similar…

  6. Lets hope that the 9jumpin app will appear in the Windows 10 app next year. Come on Channel 9, get your act together – not everyone has the same kind of phone or tablet.

  7. That graph is incorrect.
    SBS on demand is on windows mobile and windows 8 (though when I last check while setting up someone else’s pc it wouldn’t connect to a working internet connection.) The only problem with sbs on demand on windows phone is that it doesn’t have all the programs that are available on the website or the ipad app. For example it didn’t have Orphan black or Brooklyn nine nine.

    1. Here’s a link to the sbs on demand windows phone app.
      Here’s a link to the sbs on demand windows 8.1

  8. TenPlay doesn’t have Chromecast support. ABC are the only ones that do to my knowledge (along with Stan and Netflix). Wish the other networks would do that, then I would use it more. I’d much rather watch catchup on my tv (without buying a Freeview+ box) via Chromecast, rather than my tablet.

    1. Give or take the Chromecast dongle’s complete lack of support for 25fps/50fps content & resulting video stutter. They denied it was a problem for a year, finally admitted it in May – but still haven’t fixed it. Meanwhile, they’ve released the Chromecast 2 – which still suffers from exactly the same problem.

      p.s. anyone else wondering about the maths in the above image? For SBS, 3+2+3 = 8; for iView, 3+5=8; but for Plus7 3+1+4=9?

  9. Considering how few people have Windows Phones I’m not sure there’s all that much point spending a lot of money developing an app for it.

    It surprising though that Ten is the only network on Apple TV. I’d expect that to change pretty soon with the new generation coming up.

    1. I have a windows phone and was a regular user of the tenplay windows phone app until about a month ago when it stopped working and ten haven’t bothered to fix it.

      Just because your not interested in it doesn’t mean that there isn’t a user base that really values having ten’s catch up service on their phone.

      I have no interest in using certain devices and have a personal opinion on those devices but I certainly don’t go around commenting that those devices shouldn’t be supported. How fair is that to those users.

      1. I’m not suggesting the platform shouldn’t be supported because it is or isn’t my preference, I just meant the share of Windows Phones compared to Apple and Android probably means it isn’t economically viable to develop apps for a relatively small market. Same goes for Blackberry or Nokia – probably not a priority at the very least.

        1. Nokia doesn’t make mobile phones anymore. They sold their mobile phone business to Microsoft.

          Windows phone market share argument isn’t as relevant anymore when in windows 10 you can make a universal app that works on phones, pcs, tablets, 2in1s and even xbox.

    1. In the last few weeks both the windows phone and windows 8 tenplay apps are not working. So maybe tenplay is having an issue with their Microsoft apps?

      Lets hope they create a windows 10 universal app.

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