
Tracy Grimshaw: “Waleed won because he’s good at his job”

A Current Affair host calls a temporary timeslot truce to acknowledge the other side.


Last night A Current Affair host Tracy Grimshaw paid tribute to The Project‘s Waleed Aly on winning Gold.

“There are may who are claiming it as a victory for multiculturalism or open-mindedness. I think it’s much simpler than that. Waleed won because he’s good at his job and people like him.

“In a mature society someone’s race, religion, age or gender should be irrelevant. Television is just reflecting that.

“So even though Waleed is over there on the other network trying to knock us off in the ratings right now, I’m calling a truce on competition for a moment to congratulate him on his Gold Logie.

“But if Pete Helliar wins next year, it’s definitely rigged.”

14 Responses

  1. Well said Tracy.
    I agree with Fairdinkum.
    Some people may not like Lisa Wilkinson, i like her and think she is brilliant and she should also be nominated for a logie

  2. David Speers is brilliant at his job. Much better than Aly and deserving of a Gold Logie and he wasn’t even nominated. Sky News also happens to be television TV week ! But then the Logies are a joke run by hacks and Publicity depts. Even with all the garbage that is on at the moment OZ tv deserves better.

        1. Was he? I wasn’t really watching those categories, but he’s missing from the “Full list of 2016 TV Week Logies nominees” on the website…

  3. So we actually don’t need to reward people based on quotas or campaigns. People who actually do a good job will win the award or get the next job.

  4. I happened to see that brief editorial from Tracey just before The Voice, and although the tone of it was genuine and somewhat collegiate, the last line stuck a little for me. Despite all his hamming and pulling focus the past month on this, Pete Heliar would be a lovely win for the Logie. I was no fan of Dave Hughes on The Project, but I enjoy Peter just as much as Carrie and Waleed. They are the integral three sides of the triangle that is The Project. So a win for him (with a campaign, no less legitimate than the ones in recent years for Ray Meagher or Hamish Blake or indeed Lee Lin Chin or Waleed Aly) would not be unexpected or sign of it being rigged. Her last comment for me, undid the sentiment underlying the rest of the editorial. Even if it did have a bit of a smile with it. But nice of her to give credit to Waleed where its due.

    1. I guess her last sentence could be perceived as mean-spirited, but I think it was purely a joke. Peter Heliar has been milking the joke for weeks now so I am sure Tracey is just joining in.

      And although I don’t watch the show – I think she has shown maturity and professionalism in congratulating Waleed for winning the Gold.

      Compare that to the childish antics of Karl Stefanovic, Lisa Wilkinson and Ben Fordham when the nominations were first announced.

      1. you’re probably right, bettestreep, I guess I struggle with Tracey at times, in terms of authenticity, i mean how she keeps showing up night after night week after week, and some of those dodgy stories about dodgy people…. I used to really admire her on Today all those years and think her an excellent journo too, but possibly a bit of sour grapes in there, so many long serving presenters and entertainers get overlooked at the Logies.

    2. I agree with you, I think the last line took a little of the genuine-ness (for lack of a better term) out of it. Shifted the tone slightly, to her disadvantage I think. I know it was a joke, but I don’t think it was necessary, would have been better to end it with the congratulations for the Gold Logie.

    3. I think the ‘rigged’ comment was a joke in reference to back to back wins by The Project hosts. If Pete were to win that would be back to back to back wins, an amusing situation if it were to happen.

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