
Airdate: Facebookistan

This 2015 Danish doco challenges two of democracy’s basic principles: the right to free speech and the right to privacy.


Next week SBS 2 (while it’s still with us!) will screen the documentary, Facebookistan.

This is a 2015 Danish doco which meets people who are fighting against both surveillance and censorship on Facebook.

Facebook demands that its citizens are open and connected, yet Facebook as a company is far from open and transparent.

With 1.4 billion users, Facebook is the world’s largest social media space and the company stores personal data on an unprecedented scale. Facebook is perhaps the most visible symptom of an increasingly closed and centralised internet, but is also a social revolution with great democratic potential.

Facebookistan takes a close look at Facebook, exploring how several individuals and organisations are hit hard by Facebook’s policies and by their working conditions. It examines through case examples how Facebook as a business challenges two of democracy’s basic principles: the right to free speech and the right to privacy.

10.10pm Tuesday, 25 October on SBS 2.

3 Responses

  1. This doco is very interesting I’ve actually already seen it and well worth spending an hour to realise just how much censorship facebook undertake and the amount of data they hold about an individual.

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