
Denise Drysdale relieved family has confirmed Ernie Sigley’s Alzheimers

"I think I'm glad it's out," Denise Drysdale explains. "I'm sad for the family because they've tried to keep it as quiet as possible."


Denise Drysdale says she is relieved the news on Ernie Sigley’s Alzheimers is now public knowledge and admits there were telltale signs when she was performing with her longtime partner on stage.

Speaking on Studio 10 this morning she said, “I think I’m glad it’s out. I’m sad for the family because they’ve tried to keep it as quiet as possible.

“But I just hope now everybody knows they give the respect to Ernie.”

“It’s sad because I don’t think a lot of people realise what a brilliant mind he has. He could tell you anything about sport, history, and his knowledge of music is just phenomenal,” she said.

“I think he’s very reliant on (wife) Glenys and that’s hard on her too.

“I’m not going to talk as an expert. I just say ‘He’s forgetful.'”

Drysdale, who has performed with Sigley since the 1970s, continued to perform with him in live shows around the country after his radio program concluded on 3AW.

“It started when we were on stage a couple of years ago. To see somebody start a song and say ‘I’ve never sung this song before,”…. I felt for him then. It’s awful,” she said.

Asked if Sigley knew he was living with Alzheimer’s she said, “I don’t think he knows. So that’s good in itself. It’s Glenys I feel for. Glenys is amazing.

“I just said as long as you’ve got help. That’s the hardest thing.”

Drysdale said she last spoke to Sigley 3 weeks ago.

“I’ve only got to say a few things to trigger him, and then I can get him laughing -which is fabulous, to have that ability to get him back into the present,” she continued.

“God we had some funny times. Ernie and I had do much fun on screen, but just as much off (screen). Especially during the 7 years when we did the morning show.”

The Ernie and Denise chemistry is one of TV’s most enduring partnerships, but it wasn’t without its own robust moments. Asked about Sigley’s famed characteristis for being difficult, she replied, “Difficult? He used to drive everybody mad! Sometimes I would say, ‘Shutup and sit down. You’re lucky to have a job!”

Drysdale also explained that she took plenty of calls after the Western Bulldogs won the AFL Grand Final from supporters hoping he was celebrating.

“It was like he’d played in the match!”

Alzheimer’s Australia





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