
Julia Zemiro to host talent series All Together Now

Singalong extravaganza coming to Seven will feature RocKwiz darling.

RocKwiz and Eurovision darling Julia Zemiro will host Seven’s upcoming singing series All Together Now.

As previously revealed, the series is based on a UK format in which singers face a wall of 100 other singers, who will join in song if they like what they hear. A series winner will scoop a $100,000 prize.

The format is currently being showcased at MIP TV in Cannes. The UK production, which includes Geri Haliwell, is proceeding to a second season.

“THIS is the singing show we’ve all been waiting for,” Julia says. “No journeys. No long stories. Just great singing. And judges? There are 100 judges! You heard right. They come from all walks of life and celebrate who we are,” Zemiro said.

“I LOVE a big sing. And there’s something quite fabulous about a whole group of people singing their hearts out. I can’t wait to run this fabulous singing show through its paces!”

The Endemol Shine production, the first international production, closed for auditions last month.

It will screen later this year.


11 Responses

  1. File this one under Restaurant De – volution, Zumbo’s Made A Mess, The Big Misadventure, Australian Spartan Worrier , and about half a dozen others in recent times…

  2. I’m starting to think Channel 7 is only doing these shows to try and make Australian Spartan look like less of a failure. This makes Celebrity Splash & The Big Adventure look like sound business decisions

  3. Am I the only one who was hoping that Bruno Lucia would host this show as Wayne Lovett “Agent to the stars”, his character from the sitcom All Together Now?

  4. It seems to me that just about everything is borrowed from overseas (mainly UK) ideas or formats. The people who run our TV appear have no imagination themselves. Lazy!

    1. To be fair there are still original local ideas being produced. Not sure why you overlooked those in your argument? TV formats from all around the world are reproduced all around the world.

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