
Corey White’s Roadmap to Paradise

He's young, a bit anarchic, and full of ideas to solve our problems. And Corey White has something to say.

Be prepared for a little bit of anarchy, a little bit of soapbox and a little bit of lateral thinking from Corey White’s Roadmap to Paradise.

Comedian Corey White is an old soul in his youthful body, demonstrating surprising concern for the planet and the bigger picture than many of his generation.

With a tiny ABC crew in tow he offers his own brand of solutions to society’s problems: Democracy, Australia Day, Environmentalism, Capitalism, Gambling, Domestic Violence, War on Drugs, Foster Care, Terrorism, and Housing.

In bite-size 15 minute videos he is part-John Safran and part-Myles Barlow.

“Hi, I’m Corey White, three time University drop-out, ex-foster kid and former meth amphetamine addict,” he announces.

“I’m full of ideas about how to make Australia a better place.”

In his first episode he tackles Democracy, seen entering a hardware store with an axe referring to the “slaughter of all politicians” (relax, it isn’t what you think).

But like 74% of Australians young Corey is also disillusioned with government.

“Democracy is very shit. I don’t like having to look at Sam Dastyari’s face. But Authoritarianism is way shittier,” he suggests.

“But democracy is the least shit way of organising society. I think Winston Churchill said that.”

There are cute sketches of a primary-school aged Corey promising to lower the price of tomato sauce at the school canteen. But even school aged politicians lie.

“I became hugely unpopular. People thought I had lied just to get power,” he recalls.

“There was sauce on my hands. And I swear to God I could still smell it.”

Corey consults with a Switzerland expert where a public petition of 100,000 signatures can lead to a national referendum, or 50,000 signatures can halt new laws in their tracks.

For any disillusioned three time University drop-out, ex-foster kid and former meth amphetamine addict, Switzerland’s system represents a much better approach to democracy.

Speaking direct to camera, which is his style when he isn’t doing interviews, White demonstrates confidence and lateral ideas. But it’s clear that he is very creative behind the scenes, structuring his arguments into scripted, comedic form.

The second episode tackles Capitalism but relies too heavily on 3 Skype interviews and less of the amusing sketches. An interview with a Finnish expert on their Universal Basic Income suddenly looks less convincing given its recent cessation. Alas, the rule of comedy is always timing (perhaps ABC should reschedule it as the last episode?).

Corey White may not be rifling through Ray Martin’s garbage, nor breaching restricted zones during APEC meetings, but he is likely to provoke comment and challenge a few perceptions -even on his very limited ABC budget.

Corey White’s Roadmap to Paradise airs 9:40pm Wednesdays on ABC.

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