
Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery: June 6

Insiders host Barrie Cassidy escorts Julia Zemiro around Chiltern in Victoria‘s gold rush region.

Insiders host Barrie Cassidy is tonight’s guest on Julia Zemiro’s Home Delivery.

Barrie proudly escorts Julia around Chiltern in Victoria‘s gold rush country where his mother’s
side of the family has lived since 1858. Ready to show off the town in which he and his fellow
Cassidys made such a mark, the two meet up in Chiltern’s picturesque main street. As they’re
about to wander around the corner to the old family home, they come across Barrie’s brother
Megsie, who still lives here.

As Barrie and Julia explore a house he hasn’t been inside for 50 years, Barrie – one of six kids
– remembers a home without running water in the kitchen, and two rooms so stricken with
damp they were unable to be used. He also remembers how his father was very involved in
all the town’s sporting clubs, and that there were always lots of kids playing one sport or
another in their back yard.

During the war Barrie’s father Bill was captured on Crete and spent four years as a prisoner
of war. Meanwhile, his mother Myra was told Bill had been injured and was missing in action,
and it was12 months before she learned he was still alive.

8pm Wednesday on ABC.

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