Airdate: Back in Very Small Business
Dodgy entrepreneur Don Angel is back on ABC from early September.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
ABC comedy Back in Very Small Business gets its debut in early September.
The series is a revival of Very Small Business, from Gristmill Productions, and stars Wayne Hope and Kim Gyngell plus Robyn Nevin, Marg Downey, Jane Harber, Heidi Arena and Rachel Gordon will be joined by exciting rising stars Liv Hewson, Molly Daniels, Aaron Chen, Rick Donald and Roman Hadley-Lund.
Don Angel is an aspirational small businessman who helms his suburban empire, the World Wide Business Group, with equal parts zeal and tax evasion. WWBG is a portfolio of frequently audited companies propped up by its flagship arm, Don’s Dirty Dog Wash, sold by Don’s business partner, Ray Leonard.
Success has afforded a large staff, and his five other companies are managed by the best that government subsidies and 457 visas can buy. Don is surrounded by ethnically diverse, culturally challenging and gender fluid employees. Embracing globalisation, several of the group’s businesses proudly boast budget manufacturing in Asian countries. To market, Don turns to star employee, daughter Sam, a Kardashian-coated-chip-off-the-old-block who runs celebrity fuelled social media agency, InfluenZer.
Don knows ‘the best things in life are free’ is bullshit and the only thing that makes you happy is money. However in his incessant pursuit of cash Don is plagued by the consequences of both his business practices and his stunted emotional life. When Don feels unexpected affection for his business park family, he confusedly discovers that other humans might be what he needs to be happy.
Episode One: All Over Range Rover
Don’s desperate to arrive at the Small Business Awards in a new prestige car. Following a financial set back Don works to quickly increase sales. Ray could solve the crisis by selling a franchise but only on one condition.
9pm Wednesday September 5 on ABC.
- Tagged with Back in Very Small Business, Very Small Business
One Response
I can’t wait to watch this, I suggest that when it gains momentum, look into Rowen Atkinson to join, Australia needs some big belly laughs