How did Pilot week shows perform with Timeshifting?
None of the Pilot Week shows have seen big lifts in Timeshifted viewing.
- Published by David Knox
- on
- Filed under News, Pilot Week
Drunk History is now the best performer from Pilot Week, just pipping Kinne Tonight in ratings after 7 days of Timeshifted viewing.
None of the Pilot Week shows have seen big lifts in Timeshifted viewing, but Drunk History was best at an additional 36,000.
Drunk History
Overnight: 366,000
7 Day Timeshift: 36,000
Kinne Tonight
Overnight: 378,000
7 Day Timeshift: 22,000
Trial by Kyle
Overnight: 372,000
7 Day Timeshift: 16,000
Skit Happens
Overnight: 347,000
7 Day Timeshift: 16,000
Overnight: 277,000
7 Day Timeshift: 18,000
Overnight: 250,000
7 Day Timeshift: 15,000
Overnight: 227,000
7 Day Timeshift: 7,000
Bring Back… Saturday Night
Overnight: 198,000
7 Day Timeshift: 26,000
There were also repeat screenings of several shows. 28 Day Timeshifting is yet to be reported and Video Play Measurement.
© OzTAM Pty Limited 2018. The Data may not be reproduced, published or communicated (electronically or in hard copy) without the prior written consent of OzTAM. Program performance and ranking information subject to change when not based on final program logs. Ranking information is for individual episodes.
- Tagged with Bring Back Saturday Night, Dave, Disgrace!, Drunk History, Kinne Tonight, Skit Happens, Taboo, Trial By Kyle
9 Responses
It was all low brow garbage, just like other “quality” Ten product like I am a Nobody, Crapchelor etc and the ratings reinforced that.
The fact that crappy cliche’d skit shows, drunk comedians and Kyle Sandilands was the best that Ten could serve up as pilots demonstrates that Ten have lost their way and are disconnected from audiences.
At the moment they dont know what they are. They have no brand or identity and are desperately searching for relevance. After 5 years MacGarvie is out of ideas and for Ten to compete, The Americans need to put the broom through the dead wood at the top of Ten and she should be one of the first to go…..
Well my 3 favorites were the last three….Dave …Disgrace (it was not all about Sam)…and Bring Back..Saturday Night, it was fun!
Bring back Kinne, and junk the rest. And may this be the last time anyone entertains the notion of giving Dastyari his own television show.
It’s reslly hard to pick a winner, it was like an even field of losers sadly. I don’t think Pilot week will be back which is sad as it was new and different but the numbers are horrible.
I wanna see Skit Happens as real series!
Why did everyone hate it?
I watched all the pilots and thought overall the quality was very high. My top three are
1. Drunk History
2. Kinnie
3. Taboo
Thanks David for your comprehensive coverage of Pilot Week.
When will Ten announce which show/s were successful enough to go to series?
Unknown, but possibly at Upfronts.
I watched most of these online on Tenplay, but caught Taboo live. Would be curious to see the Tenplay figures