
Ask the Doctor: Oct 9

Is growing old and frail inevitable? Plus Jean Kittson on menopause.

Tonight Ask The Doctor tackles the topic of “Ageing Well”

Is growing old and frail inevitable? Is it possible to slow down our biological clocks? And an appearance by Jean Kittson.

The amount our body’s condition has declined is known as our biological age, and the good news is it’s something everyone has the power to change. Sandro sets up a pop-up clinic with ageing expert Professor Andrea Maier at Melbourne University, to find out what lifestyle changes can reduce someone’s biological age. A diverse group of volunteers are subjected to a slew of physical and mental tests. For some participants the results come as a shock when it’s revealed just how old their bodies are compared to the number of birthdays they’ve had.

Caroline takes to the streets with comedian Jean Kittson to find out how much people really know about the taboo topic of menopause. Along with a group of friends, they throw an unusual party to celebrate this next stage of life and break down harmful myths. But what about the treatments? Caroline discovers that it was a flawed study which kept many women away from hormone replacement therapy for more than a decade, and she reveals effective new alternatives.

How many of us think about the effects that lifestyles have on our brains? And what are the repercussions on long term mental health? Shalin reveals the best tips for reducing the risk of dementia. Whilst there are things to avoid, it’s also about having fun. Shalin attends a swing dance club, to determine exactly how it can stimulate both mind and body.

8pm Tuesday on ABC.

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