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The Sopranos house for sale
Tony Soprano's joint is on the market. But it will set you back a motza...
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Tony Soprano’s house is for sale.
The New Jersey house that was used for location shots in The Sopranos is on the market with a “starting price” tag of $3.4m ($A5.2m).
The property has four bedrooms, four full bathrooms and a powder room; two two-car garages; and a detached one-bedroom guesthouse.
An unofficial Facebook page for the house has more than 1,200 “visits” at the address, along with dozens of selfies by grinning fans posed in front of the driveway. When actor James Gandolfini, who played Tony, died suddenly in 2013, fans left flowers, candles and a bag of dried ziti near the curb.
You can see more photos at The New York Times
- Tagged with The Sopranos
2 Responses
No mention of the pool??? And do the ducks still visit for a swim????Maybe the décor in the Living Room above scared them away!
Ha… the original article did indeed, click on link.