
Three’s company for Today

Nine denies Today will shift to a hosting trio, saying it already has George, Deb & Tom.

Nine has denied suggestions Today hosting team will shift to a trio by featuring Tom Steinfort more….. because the show already has a trio, thank you, in Georgie Gardner, Deb Knight & Steinfort.

The Australian has speculated Steinfort will be featured more to break up the Knight / Gardner duo, as the show continues to trail Sunrise.

A Nine spokesperson told TV Tonight, “Our promos, marketing and publicity has been consistent in its messaging of ‘Wake up with Georgie, Deb and Tom’ since we launched in January. Nothing has changed.” 

Meanwhile the Sunday Telegraph also asked news boss Darren Wick whether Karl Stefanovic would return.

“We’ve gone in a dramatically different direction with Georgie Gardner and Deb Knight to where we were with Karl and while we know we haven’t got it quite right yet, we are happy with where we are,” said Wick.

“No one is panicking about the ratings.”

Wick will meet with Stefanovic to discuss his future.

“We will sit down and work out where to from here,” Wick said.

“Karl is an incredible talent. We’ve just got to find the right fit for Karl — and Nine.”

TV Tonight understands any prospects of heading up the US bureau is looking unlikely. He returns to This Time Next Year later in 2019.

Source: The Australian, Sunday Telegraph

6 Responses

  1. Last night I read three different, one of them being Tom becoming more prominent, Even though it was made clear from day one that he was one of the co-host’s. 2nd was Ben Fordom returning to the show as a host, Nine have been after him since he left and he kept saying no, hoping to replace Alan Jones when he retires which isn’t happening for at least 2 more years. Fordo has apparently agreed to return.

    The 3rd being Karl was returning to the show to save it.

    All three are false.

  2. Amazing spin isn’t it! I saw the ad last night and thought gee thats finally changing. What a cop-out nine can’t call it what it is. Pete Overton promoted the trio during the news. Thats right. Trio.

  3. I think Tom is a great talent. He has a natural charm but he has a hard news background as well. He is certainly over qualified for the newsreader position

  4. A Nine spokesperson told TV Tonight, “Our promos, marketing and publicity has been consistent in its messaging of ‘Wake up with Georgie, Deb and Tom’ since we launched in January. Nothing has changed.”

    Except that the promo I saw last night (02/06) said, “Wake up with Georgie, Tom and Deb”.

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