
Nude pics ok for All New Monty special …but not The Hunting on SBS

Mixed messages from TV this week over whether sending of nude photos is just boys behaving badly.

Well this is kinda awkward….

A report today reveals cast members amongst The All New Full Monty sent each other d*** pics during rehearsals.

Matty Johnson told news.com.au, some of the celebs decided to bond by sharing revealing photos of themselves.

“Photos from my WhatsApp automatically save in my photo album on my phone,” he said. “One afternoon I looked at my photos and there was a giant penis and Laura (Byrne) was like, ‘What is that?’ I was like, ‘I don’t know how that got there? I honestly have no idea.’”

The penis photo belonged to NRL star George Burgess who posted it in the WhatsApp group. Some of the other stars followed suit, apparently.

Seven’s show which airs tonight is designed to raise awareness around men’s health.

But sharing of naked photos is also the subject of SBS drama The Hunting this week which treats it as a very serious social issue amongst teenagers.

It has also been the subject of storylines on The Heights, Euphoria and upcoming HBO telemovie Share.

20 Responses

  1. This is a huge topic, Keeping to the theme. There is a difference between adults sending nudes and being fully aware of any of the consequences and teenagers who are just horny and are not thinking about the situation they are putting themselves in or teens who are being pressured to send nudes because it’s what their peers are doing.

    The context here is two different shows, one is about getting men talking about their genitals and the health issues men face as they get older, testicular cancer and prostrate cancer.

      1. Take the interview in to context though, it’s grown men being silly sending d*** pics. It’s not teens pressuring teens in to sending nudes. I mean we can’t PC everything. Should they have done a PSA saying that you shouldn’t feel pressured in to sending nudes? Maybe. The aim of the New Monty was men’s health. I think my generation (gen Y and younger) and more open about our bodies. I mean at 16 I was getting my testicles checked because I found a lump. it was just a cyst and nothing to worry about but I didn’t feel ashamed to go to the Doctor and get it out so to speak. I think the older generations struggle with this because of how they were raised.

        If you spent the night talking about the affects of sending nudes then male celebrities stripping on TV kinda seems stupid.

  2. Don’t think I’ve ever dare thought of criticising TVT before, but seriously this article is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Slow news day?

    “D*** pics” is not really what I remotely expect or come for on TVT.

    1. I’d say it’s on-topic to point it out in the context of these other recent shows tackling the same subject like The Hunting and Euphoria, which were mentioned in this article.

  3. George Burgess is such an exhibitionist, and this show suits him down to the ground.

    p.s Does anyone know how I can access this WhatsApp group ?

    1. Burgess has been “exhibiting” himself all over the internet for at least 5 years. Just do a Google search. Wouldn’t call him a “NRL star”. Ex- perhaps. Currently suspended and not signed to any Australian team next year. Off to UK or somewhere far. So now, if one shares a dp with someone our defence is “we were just bonding”?

  4. The problem I feel with The Hunting is that the ads eroticise the young cast whilst superficially addressing the very serious problem of youth eroticising themselves for the pleasure (and/or advantage) of themselves and/or others. It’s all well and good to start a conversation about a topical issue, but I suspect that The Hunting will highlight the problem, but neglect to provide a solution or address the root causes that have lead our society to this state.

    Considering the context of the nude images exchanged between the cast of the All New Full Monty, it is perhaps not unexpected that men who are (apparently) willing to appear nude on national television to also appear as such to one another.

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