
ABC TV pulled episode of The Drum

ABC hit the pause button last week when comments around George Pell Appeal had to be edited out of broadcast.

The Australian today reported ABC made a late decision not to air The Drum last Wednesday on its primary channel, replacing it with a repeat of Grand Designs.

An edited version, now available at iview, aired later on ABC News channel.

According to the article, the decision not to air centred around two discussions, one involving the George Pell appeal and another it suggests was “massive personal attack on Trump”.

According to the article one panelist “went overboard” during the Pell discussion with host Ellen Fanning clarifying remarks were “not the ABC’s position.”

Around 8 minutes were reportedly excised before the replay -due at 7pm on ABC News channel- began at 7:08pm.

An ABC spokesperson tells TV Tonight,The Drum edited some comments made during the program relating to the Pell appeal decision, and related issues. There wasn’t time to do that before broadcast so we took the decision to cancel the ABC TV broadcast. The edited version aired on the News Channel.”

8 Responses

  1. The Drum does see itself as the protector of the sensible middle left of politics and moral watchdog of educated values, so only a potential risk of litigation must have forced the ABC censors hand, well you would like to think so anyway.

      1. It didn’t take much to figure out that discussion of the Pell case was likely the cause of any legal dilemma, given it was the sole big news story that day. And, someone ranting about Trump. Big deal. But it fills The Australian’s required quota of how-bad-is-the-abc stories. Good for them, I guess.

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