
Neighbours spin-off, Erinsborough High.

5 episode miniseries aimed at a young adult audience to screen on 10 Play.

Neighbours is getting a 5 episode miniseries spin-off Neighbours: Erinsborough High aimed at a young adult audience.

Set to screen in the UK on Channel 5 and in Australia through 10 Play, it centres around students during the hectic final exam period. Hormones are racing, friendships are tested – but when a popular student goes missing, the turmoil escalates. The miniseries will explore issues universally troubling teens today – bullying, mental illness, sexuality, cultural diversity, parental and peer pressure, and teacher-student relationships.

22-minute episodes will star a mix of Neighbours regulars and newcomers.

Chris Oliver-Taylor, CEO Asia Pacific, Fremantle, said: “Neighbours is one of the most important dramas in Australian and British history, being able to spin off this iconic series and tell important stories to a young adult audience is an evolution we are all very proud of at Fremantle.”

Jason Herbison said: “Neighbours: Erinsborough High is an exciting opportunity to shine a light on one of our most iconic playing areas – the local high school. It’s long been an ambition to delve deeper into some of our workplaces and the characters who populate them. Who knows what we might do next?”

Oli Thomas, VP, Digital Lead, Channel 5, said: “Neighbours continues to be a popular show which has brought enjoyment to audiences for many years, so it’s hugely exciting to bring its first ever spin-off series to fans in the UK exclusively on My5.”

The soap screens weeknights 52 weeks a year, making it the only drama production here and in the UK to broadcast continually throughout the year.

It will screen on 10 Play from November 11.

9 Responses

  1. As already noted by Channel 5, this spin-off will be a web only series in the UK too, playing out as a My5 exclusive. I’m guessing going web only makes it easier to cover topics considered too risky for an early evening FTA broadcast, hence why it’s not appearing on 10Peach or Channel 5.

  2. Yes, this would have been perfect for an early evening timeslot say 6.00. If it was in the initial days of eleven/10peach, where they had the afternoon show with hosts it could have happened. Since that ended, they seem to aiming at an older male audience in the late arvo, prior to neighbours.

    1. Couldn’t agree more. So so many free timeslots to choose. Personally I’d say7:30 after home and away, repeated at 6pm next day. Maybe they don’t want to pay extra for FTA

  3. Sounds interesting (as a Neighbours fan at least). Neighbours always does a good job of trying new things and has a heap of webisodes now with Steph in Prison, Christmas Summer Stories, Xanthe♥Ben, Mrs Robinson, Road Trip, Neighbours vs Zombies and my favourite Neighbours vs Time Travel was great.

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