Auditions: The Farmer Wants a Wife
Dating series last seen on Nine in 2016, is officially coming to Seven.
- Published by David Knox
- on
Seven is reviving The Farmer Wants a Wife, last seen on Nine in 2016, in what appears to be a Trans-Tasman series.
“Australia’s most successful love show is back! The Farmer Wants a Wife is searching for single farmers who are ready to find their soulmate. This is not only Australia’s original love show, it’s also the best – by a country mile. Start your love story today,” a casting notice announces.
“Most successful” presumably refers to its strike rate of partners, marriages and even babies which have resulted from TV romance.
Applicants must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident aged 21 or over.
Filming by FremantleMedia is due to take place between mid-January and early-March.
Single men and women can apply here (notably it asks for “Farmers” and “Ladies” which is not terribly mod).
Seven’s 2020 Upronts are due on October 23.
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19 Responses
This was a great show, but if they take out the “sweetness” I can’t see it doing well. One of the points of difference was that the farmers were real, they were allowed to decline all choices, and there was no pushing of physical contact. If a farmer even kissed two different candidates that was a sign that they weren’t serious enough about “finding love”. If Seven try to push the series in a MAFS or Bachelor direction, many who watched before won’t pick it up again.
I can’t remember which skit type show it was, but one of them did a parody, titled “Farmer Needs a…..(rhymes with boot)” ?
This has got to be the most successful thing to come out of the Today show in decades lol
Has Seven not learned that dating shows are not the answer? They don’t need their own MAFS or Love Island. But for the sake of Seven, hopefully this time is different.
I loved this show…I also suspect this is one that will do well on 7…just my opinion of course…
The farmer votes against his own self-interest and the years-long drought cause the bank to foreclose on his property sending him bankrupt and packing for the city where scomo demonises him and forces him to use an indue card to pay for his rent and food on welfare…
After being drug tested of course lol
Better not let Barnaby see this.
Ha! Great comment. David, ever thought of introducing a ‘like’ option for comments?
Oh no, are they trying to push everyone to streaming with all these old ideas and reality show overload.
Oh dear. The Love Channel strikes again. Wonder if there’re will be a weekly dinner party for all the farmers & their wives or will they all live on the one farm?
Really Seven? Are you that dumb? Stop stealing previous shows from others channels. You need to make your own original content. Looks like Seven are very desperate for ratings.
Stealing? Once rights are are avail they’re avail. Like dancing with the stars on 7 to ten, like like aust got talent from seven to nine to Seven. Like survivor from nine to ten.
Like factor from ten to seven.
Like amazing race from seven to ten.
Do you shout out other networks when they pick up older formats or are you just anti seven?
Hey James, I didn’t mean to use the world ‘stealing’, more of they can’t make their own content, they need other networks to start the trend for them to pick it up. Good on them for reviving the shows but they need something fresh.
I’ve said it before, but I feel very sorry for Seven West Media shareholders. The Olympics can’t come soon enough for Seven.
In an exciting new twist, the Farmelor gives one unlucky lass a cow pat at the end of each show.
Just. Don’t.
Oh dear, when will Channel Seven realise that these shows are ‘once a flop, always a flop’
Opinions are one thing but we should at least be factual. Farmer had many successful seasons and TV ratings before fatigue set in.