
Four Corners: Oct 28

Businesses known as multi-level marketing operations are exposed as illegal pyramid selling practices.

Clickbait… insta-success….?

“Click to change your life”, a BBC film on the secrets of the multi-level millionaires airs next Monday on Four Corners.

“All the people at the top had these lovely cars, had lots and lots and lots of money and lots and lots of nice houses…I wanted more out of life and I thought that’s what was going to give it to me.” Former salesperson

The promises are big, bold and enticing: massive salaries, cars, holidays and life as an ‘influencer’. Job advertisements inviting young women to join online selling schemes are sweeping through social media feeds and attracting millions to sign up.

“The whole look of this company is really glamorous. They’ve really honed into the Instagram influencer market. I look at their pictures and I think, ‘Why am I not on a beach in Bora Bora 360 days of the year?” Undercover reporter

It’s sold as a dream job where you can work flexible hours from home and earn a commission on what you sell.

“This opportunity has completely changed my life. It’s got me out of the nine to five, realised my true potential to build a global business, retire my mum, buy our dream home, travel the world and spent every single day with my children.” Marketing video

It’s spruiked as a career selling makeup or skincare products online. What’s not clear from the advertisements is the true business model.

“Because it is a beauty business they think they’ve got to sell products. But actually this is a recruitment business.” Trainer & influencer

These businesses are known as multi-level marketing operations (MLMs) and have become a global phenomenon.

“People are both offenders and victims at the same time. If I do make money, because some people are going to…I’m making it on the backs of other people, who lose that money.” MLM expert

In this film from the BBC, the program investigates accusations of illegal pyramid selling practices.

“If I were receiving training that the way to earn money… is to recruit additional sellers, I would run the other way.” MLM expert

Young mothers are one of the key groups sought out for recruitment, but as this film shows, the promises of an easy way to make money from home is often far from the reality.

“I don’t like to say the word, but I targeted people like me – mums, young mums, people on maternity leave.” Former member

As social media turbo charges the MLM business model, the program shows who is making money and who is losing out.

“There’s no way as many people would sign up if everyone knew the truth about the earning potential.”

Monday 28th October at 8.30pm on ABC.

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