
MasterChef scores on quiet Thursday

Ratings: It was Masterchef then daylight on Thursday, but Seven still took the night.

MasterChef Australia scored a big 957,000 and topped the demos on what was otherwise a quiet Thursday. But the network was unable to keep the crowd thereafter.

That was well in front of 7:30 (588,000), RBT (456,000), The World’s Most Beautiful Railway (294,000) and The Heights (230,000).

Later Seven’s movie The Intern drew 371,000 then Grand Designs Australia (347,000) and movie: The Bourne Supremacy (345,000).

Seven network won Thursday with 27.6% then Nine 25.9%, 10 21.3%, ABC 15.3% and SBS 9.8%.

Seven News (1.18m / 1.12m) was #1 for Seven then a noiseless Chase (689,000 / 423,000) and an extended Home & Away (598,000).

Nine News was best for Nine at 1.06m / 988,000 then ACA (706,000) and Hot Seat (566,000 / 333,000).

The Project drew 603,000 / 387,000 for 10. 10 News First was 469,000 / 307,000. Law and Order: SVU replays drew 268,000 / 175,000.

ABC News won its slot with 845,000. Sammy J (399,000), The Drum (242,000), Barrie Cassidy’s One Plus One (238,000) also comprised ABC’s night. The Cult of the Family was just 114,000.

On SBS it was Building Britain’s Canals (203,000), How the Victorians Built Britain (240,000), SBS World News (200,000) and Mastermind (114,000).

NCIS led multichannels with 180,000.

The Morning Show: 177,000 / 92,000
Today Extra: 124,000 / 59,000
Studio 10: 57,000 / 53,000 / 36,000

OzTAM Overnights: Thursday 7 May 2020

15 Responses

  1. I watched The Heights later on iview….I binged over 3 days and caught up….
    Disappointed that Marcus Graham is gone…I am a fan of his work…trying to warm to the new Pav….

  2. Loved MC last night. I enjoyed the challenge and love how they have changed the immunity challenges to challenges rather than cook off against a professional chef. also enjoyed how the girls helped each other out.

    The I watched The Intern. I really enjoy that movie. Nice movie to watch.

  3. No masterclass this week again…only fimed for weeks the bury the 100th ep of one of their only solid performers?

    Amazing no network considers 8:30pm Thursday prime-time at the moment

  4. In this corna-time, why do viewer numbers fluctuate during the week. It isn’t as thought they are going out somewhere on Tuesday or Thursday night and therefore don’t watch telly. Is it a case of chicken or egg? A good show will attract eyeballs, but if all networks think Thursday night is a stinker and don’t put anything decent on – then nobody watches!

    1. The networks wouldn’t have known about coronavirus so hadn’t obviously commissioned shows to bring viewers in in big numbers. Ten for example showed SVU which was outdated by NCIS on Bold. I know different times etc but just because somethings on and we’re al stuck indoors, the networks don’t deserve huge numbers for nothing. Had they (networks) not treated Thursday as waste land, they would actually have had shows to play right now and the rewards would be bigger numbers.

      I for one am not going to watch a repeat of something just because it’s on, I’ll go to streaming.

  5. Terrific episode of MasterChef last night with a great challenge and camaraderie between three people who you wouldn’t believe were actually in competition with each other.

    1. That was my thoughts exactly. I said to my partner last night if this was MKR their would be arguments etc. I can’t remember who, but someone even added something to someone’s dish last night, once again if that was MKR, they would’ve put something else in

  6. That’s a pretty massive drop-off now that Gogglebox has left a void in 10’s Thursday nights. I don’t quite get why they produce so few episodes at a time. I reckon they can easily extend each block to maybe 15 episodes for a total of 30 episodes a year (perhaps 40 episodes a year would be overkill, at least for the cast). I only watch it in the background when I come home late from work, but it’s certainly far more entertaining than the alternatives.

    And correct me if I’m wrong, but I suspect that the show does not air in repeats, likely due to content licensing issues.

  7. Congrats to 10 with MasterChef. It shows if you show something people would like to watch, they will tune in. I am stating again with so many multi-channels, why do we have movies on the main channel? At least The Intern was only 5 years old, while the Bourne Supremacy is 16 years old (yikes) but less than 400,000… I suppose higher than other new titles…

  8. Other them MS the streaming services must have had big numbers.with the lack of any decent shows to watch. Are streaming services numbers ever made public or kept secret ? Love to no numbers combined against free to air channels

    1. I actually thought a lot was on last night. A 2 hour ‘Survivo’r on 9Go complemented by the ‘Guilt’ finale on BBCFirst and the ‘Run’ debut on Showcase made for my busiest night this week.

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