
Update: Days of Our Lives, The Young and the Restless

New episodes of Days of Our Lives are returning to FOX One.

Some readers have been asking about episodes of Days of Our Lives and The Young and the Restless on Foxtel.

A Foxtel source advises Days was on a short hiatus, but new episodes are back again from Monday May 18 at 12pm on FOX One.

The Young and the Restless is on a long term hiatus due to COVID with no indication yet for when it will return.

6 Responses

  1. FoxOne, seem to have a care factor of zero, about the soaps. They really should go back to Arena. We are now a week and one day behind with Days of our Lives, where as they were with 24 hours of the US airing on Arena.

    1. Very odd scheduling by Foxtel – they have always aired Days same-day as the US. The NBC broadcast has not been effected by Covid because they tape some 8 months in advance.

    1. I don’t think Foxtel can because they have the rights to the most recent season with Nine airing I believe 3-6 months behind them.

      Fox would have to pay for the classic episodes like Ten did as it wasn’t part of the initial deal.

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