
Kennedy Awards 2020: winners

Nick McKenzie of 60 Minutes dominates wins at the NSW journalism awards.

60 Minutes, A Current Affair, Seven News, Four Corners, Landline, Living Black & SKY News are amongst winners in the NSW Kennedy Awards.

Nick McKenzie of 60 Minutes swept Journalist of the Year, Current Affairs Reporting and Finance categories.

Kirsty Thomson, Executive Producer of 60 Minutes, said: “A huge congratulations to Nick McKenzie, Joel Tozer, Grace Tobin and the crews and editors who worked on “The Faceless Man” and “Crown Unmasked”. These stories have been recognised for their outstanding journalism at the Kennedy Awards.

“Just as importantly, they showcase the power and impact of the hugely successful partnership between 60 Minutes, The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. I know everyone at 60 Minutes is enormously proud of these collaborations and cannot wait to do more in the future.”

Ashlee Mullany of Seven News was awarded Outstanding Foreign Correspondent for her reports in the US -including when she was in the middle of local protests.

In an acceptance video from the White House, Mullany said: “I’ve had the privilege of witnessing some remarkable things in America over the last four years, both good and bad. And things felt a little scary at times, particularly at the start of this year as this pandemic was playing out.

“I want to extend my thanks to our Chairman Kerry Stokes for his continued support, his investment in quality journalism. It does feel like there has never been a more important time for the public to be able to turn to trusted news sources and have eyes and ears on the ground in places like America in what has been such a tumultuous year.”

TV and related nominees (winners in bold):

Les Kennedy Award for Outstanding Crime Reporting
Simon Bouda (A Current Affair);
Australian Story: An Innocent Abroad (ABC);
Michael Usher and team: Framed, the story of Scott Austic (7 News)

Paul Lockyer Award for Outstanding Regional Broadcast Reporting
Prime 7 Local News – Coast Team;
Jane Goldsmith (NBN News);
ABC Background Briefing/Landline

Outstanding Online Video
Let Her Speak: Nina Funnell, Lori Youmshajekian; (news.com.au)
Paul Walker: CBD Stabber (7News);
Tom Compagnoni: The Forgotten Sydney of AC/DC (Sydney Morning Herald)

The Cliff Neville Award for Outstanding Team Player
Damian Ryan (9 News)

Peter Frilingos Award for Outstanding Sports Reporting
Julian Linden: Chinese swimmer (Sunday Telegraph);
Neil Breen: Josh Reynolds (9 News);
Steve Cannane and Kyle Taylor: Bet 365 scandal (ABC)

2020 Young Journalist of the Year
Lauren Golman (A Current Affair);
Zoe Samios (Sydney Morning Herald);
Joshua Hanrahan (Daily Mail Australia)

John Newfong Award for Outstanding Indigenous Affairs Reporting
Michaela Whitbourn (Sydney Morning Herald);
Living Black NITV;
Australian Story, Making His Mark

Gary Ticehurst Award for Outstanding TV News Camera Coverage
Tim Myer (7 News);
Cam Wallis (7 News);
Paul Walker (7 News)

Harry Potter Award for Outstanding Television News Reporting
Chris O’Keefe (9News);
Kieran Gilbert, Andrew Clennell (Sky News);
Tegan George (10 News First)

Outstanding Television Current Affairs Reporting
Mark Willacy: The Killing Field (Four Corners);
Nick McKenzie, Grace Tobin, Nick Toscano: Crown Unmasked (60 Minutes);
Tara Brown, Naomi Shivaraman (60 Minutes)

Mike Willesee Award for Outstanding Nightly TV Current Affairs Reporting
Tracy Grimshaw (A Current Affair);
Paul Farrell, Alex McDonald (7.30 ABC);
Dimity Clancey, Laura Mangham: Silent Killer (A Current Affair)

Outstanding Finance Reporting
Adele Ferguson (Sydney Morning Herald);
Nick McKenzie, Grace Tobin, Nick Toscano (60 Minutes and Fairfax/Nine);
Aaron Patrick: Westpac Compliance Series (Australian Financial Review)

Outstanding Consumer Affairs Reporting
Amy Bainbridge, Lucy Kent, Loretta Florance: Bankruptcy Hunters (7.30 ABC);
Natasha Robinson (The Australian);
Alison Branley (ABC)

Outstanding Online News Breaking
Sarah Thompson, Anthony Macdonald, Tim Boyd (Australian Financial Review);
Nine News bushfire coverage; (9news.com.au)
Benedict Brook, Gavin Fernando (News.com.au)

Outstanding Court Reporting
Adam Cooper, Melissa Cunningham (The Age);
Hagar Cohen (ABC);
Michael Ruffles, Michael Evans (Sydney Morning Herald)

Outstanding Reporting on the Environment
Oliver Murray, Shannon Molloy, Stephanie Bedo (News.com.au);
Peter Hannam (Sydney Morning Herald);
ABC Landline and ABC Background Briefing

Rebecca Wilson Award 2020: Scoop of the Year
Chris O’Keefe (9 News);
Mark Willacy: The Killing Field (Four Corners);
Anna Caldwell, Richard Noone (Daily Telegraph)

Outstanding Investigative Reporting
Family of Suspects (Seven Network);
Kate McClymont, Jacqueline Maley (Sydney Morning Herald);
The Killing Field (Four Corners)

Tom Krause Award for Outstanding Foreign Correspondent
Adam Harvey (ABC Syria);
Fiona Pepper (ABC, BBC);
Ashlee Mullany (Seven Network)

Outstanding Political Reporting
Annelise Nielsen (Sky News);
Chris O’Keefe: Ruby Princess (9News);
Andrew Tillett (Australian Financial Review)

Kennedy Award for Australian Journalist of the Year
Kate McClymont (Sydney Morning Herald);
Nick McKenzie (60 Minutes/The Age);
Sharri Markson (Daily Telegraph)

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