
Charles Brice reports for News Breakfast

ABC News reporter is another advancement for people with disabilities in media.

ABC News reporter Charles Brice made his debut as an Adelaide reporter for News Breakfast yesterday.

He reported on the lifting of South Australian border restrictions for regional Victoria, as well as the Adelaide Fringe.

Brice, who was left quadraplegic after a motorbike accident at the age of 19, was inspired to take up a media career in the mid-2010s after learning ABC journalist Nas Campanella, then a Triple J newsreader, was blind.

“To me, she was the pioneer and she sounded just like other radio newsreaders around the country — professional,” he wrote in December.

“It proved two things.

“That people with disability belong in Australian media industry, as we are just as capable as our able-bodied counterparts.

“And it proves that there are major news organisations who are willing to employ people with disability.

“That. in itself, gives hope to those of us who want a career in media, or in fact across any field.”

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