
Four Corners: Mar 22

Four Corners next centres around the Brittany Higgins story, who knew what and when...

Four Corners is confirming early this week its episode next Monday, “Don’t ask, Don’t tell” reported by Sean Nicholls.

This centres around the Brittany Higgins story, who knew what and when… and if it involves a cover-up.

“It gives me the sense that there is a machine that takes care of these things.” Former senior public servant

The program examines the key questions of who knew what, and when, and whether there’s been a coverup.

“I’m really one of the only people that knows what happened and nobody has asked me anything.” Public servant

New revelations call into question statements that have been put on the public record.

“The truth does have to come out.” Public servant

With multiple inquiries under way and the government under pressure, those who have worked in the corridors of power say it is time to overturn “politics as usual”.

“I think that people in that building are hyped up on power. There’s no checks and balances and they can get away with it. It’s a place built on secrets and lies essentially.” Former coalition staffer

8:30pm Monday on ABC.