
Update: Sports Sunday, Nine News Late

The impact of Nine's hacking saga is lingering and causing more changes to Live shows.

The impact of Nine’s hacking saga is lingering and causing more changes to Live shows.

Sports Sunday is out this coming weekend.

Nine News Late is also out (along with an early morning edition) until at least Thursday April 15.

4 Responses

  1. Channel 7 has a free kick at 5am with the news – or is Channel 9 not getting the ratings for that version of the news so it is easier to use this hacking incident to ensure it doesn’t return?

  2. It is very amusing to watch both Chris O’Keefe and Damian Ryan (Sydney Reporters) on the desk in Melbourne being interviewed by Brett Macloud at 4pm as they make comments about Vic’s covid response. Just the look on Brett’s face says ‘oh please stop’. If only to be a fly on the wall of that newsroom

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