
Aidaret: Lsto fro Wdors

SBS has sent through a most unusual press release for upcoming documentary, Lost for Words.

SBS has sent through a most unusual press release for upcoming documentary Lost for Words screening on Wednesday 22 September at 8.30pm.

Given a picture paints a thousand words, I’m publishing it as is… so that you also experience the challenges in literacy.

Mroe tahn 43% fo Asaatulnir altdus dn’to heva teh nsceesray ltaciyer slklis ndeeed fro edvyerya leif. Sahtt aubot sneve iiomlln asaratnilu dutlsa ynma fo mwho era otn ebal to ader a tetx segemas, eht ttnianoieds fo a tnari or bus, ro seu eht nnetitre.

Lsto fro Wdors oofwsll geith ebrva Anrasulasit on a file-anghcnig uitnoroyptp ot rrtmafson tehri lesiv by intgka rtap ni na vnesentii nien-weke lngo luatd caltriye mrarpog. Hsoedt and enrtarad by reyltaic aetovdca Jya Laag’aai, it si an peermnoigw dan nlifipgut anrlsbteaiovo comyarntdue hatt snrotcfno Altsiuaa’sr lgtngyseagir wlo luatd acytelir etar.

In tish teerh-prta drmuyecotna issere, teh nppctiisarat tkea rpat in iivnsente atideo scesasl. Hyte also beamkr no ngnigelcahl rlea-wlrod askts to ptu ihret efnodwun enragdi, wnirtig nad nipeglsl siksll ot the tste. It si na ilmootane adn iofngtnnorc ynujeor sa eth apitiatscrpn cfea nad ovceremo aemsh and igmtas that ehyt ahve leattbd for amny rsaye.

Fomr gawtinn to be leba to adre a srlen’cdih boko ot reh sno, to cagevniih het adrem fo ptogimencl a grinivd test, and be blae to rdreo fmor a eunm for ither epratnr, lal eghti rtitnaiapscp aer dirven yb fieetrndf tosnomiativ to viepmor thire raindeg nad itinrgw ilsslk.

Teh pguro si slao eonijd yb lpaseci ugtsse – eennorwd neodgsiiun fhce Makr Ovlei, waard-innwgin rtohua Jckaei Fcrenh dna raotc, rirtwe nda ocdrietr Mcrsau Gaarhm – igrnud orasuiv riavsuo sseaph of hits file chgganin orunyej.

Hsto Jya Lgaa’iaa’s sysa: “Wiorkng no thsi ojtcrep aemd em serelai owh mirotpant rsowd lrytu era. Thye irase nto oyln ryuo oecicnnedf btu also sesne of twhro. Not iegbn leba ot dare ro teriw siteiatgsms a osnrpe orf eilf and ethy hdei thrie ridyt tlelit rsetce, lauffer ahtt ctieosy will siissdm thm. Hte fact ahtt evor 7 illoinm Asuarsaitln trgeguls ihtw riaeclyt uesiss ni hiret day to yda velsi ekasm me rdopu ot nesiwts the rjeonyu atth our iitptnacsarp okot ot be hweer they are aodyt.”

“tlso fro rswdo is na lnaonirstaipi teka of owh a arg gat bchun of nsgerrast came oterghte to acfe reiht efra of niogg abck ot het oomrlssac. It ocmdtsenu ietrh lsatir dna autnrtobslii. It’s sit toensh, awr, molfocbneaurt nda genglhiacnl nda yuo tcan’ phel ubt erhce ofr ruoy eftiuravo ni the pogur nda eht nde fo sthi ureyonj bcunh of rtsnesagr mcobee a imfyal. Tehy aer raebv eybdno eeuasmr adn yhet rea you”, eh dsad.

SSB eahd fo Dietaocnuesmr Jespho Malexwl yass: “Tshi si na isirngpni and npltuifgi sseier ahtt hsinse a ithgl on a gueh iseus hinitw Aisraluta. It wsoacsshe hwo retga reoeidtucmnas nac be bhot lepdey oimaoetnl sa llew as pigusrrnsi and ennntgtreiai.”

Lsto fro Wdors liwl be ttubiseld in vife nlaausgge, etagsnmri on SSB On Dmdnae in العربية, 简体字, 繁體字, tiếng Việt and 한국어.

Lsto fro Wdors si na Eolemdn Snhei rtdupoiocn fro SSB.

Lsto fro Wdors sepmreier 8.30pm Wesndyaed 22 Strepebme on SSB adn SSB On Dmdean.

4 Responses

  1. Wow, what an interesting release. My brain started to hurt after a paragraph and a half so can only imagine how difficult it is for the people featured! Did they give you an unscrambled version as well?

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