If it’s Tuesday it must be doggy night…
Two shows on four legs were vying for viewers' attention last night, with 10 getting the advantage over ABC.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Last night two dog shows were vying for viewers attention in different slots, with the earlier The Dog House on 10 at 460,000 outranking the later A Dog’s World with Tony Armstrong at 370,000 on ABC.
Once again Married at First Sight was the #1 show at 939,000 metro viewers, ahead of 7:30 (446,000), SAS Australia (373,000), a repeat of Anh’s Brush with Fame (278,000) and Zelensky: The Man Who took on Putin (196,000).
Later The Hundred with Andy Lee was 484,000 ahead of Police Strike Force (228,000), NCIS (218,000) and Insight (138,000).
Nine network won Tuesday with 33.4% then Seven 24.4%, 10 17.3%, ABC 16.7% and SBS 8.2%.
Nine News was 845,000 / 843,000 for Nine. A Current Affair won at 724,000 then Hot Seat (378,000 / 249,000). Nine News Late was 280,000.
Seven News led its slot with 916,000 / 888,000. Home & Away was 498,000 then The Chase (486,000 / 294,000). The Rookie was 127,000.
The Project pulled 373,000 / 256,000 for 10. 10 News First drew 313,000 / 206,000. NCIS: Los Angeles managed 134,000.
ABC News was 624,000. The Poles Revealed (185,000) and The Drum (142,000) followed.
On SBS it was Great British Railway Journeys (185,000), SBS World News (168,000 / 138,000), Dateline (98,000), Mastermind (85,000) and The Feed (51,000).
7TWO’s Pie in the Sky led multichannels at 119,000.
Sunrise: 263,000
Today: 223,000
News Breakfast: 113,000 / 71,000
In Total TV numbers last Tuesday were:
The Rookie: 363,000
Married at First Sight: 1.86m
SAS Australia: 811,000
NCIS: 401,000
Outback Ringer: 430,000
OzTAM Overnights: Tuesday 22 March 2022
- Tagged with 10 News First, 7:30, A Current Affair, A Dog's World with Tony Armstrong, ABC News, Anh’s Brush with Fame, Dateline, Great British Railway Journeys, Home & Away, Hot Seat, Insight, Married at First Sight, Mastermind, NCIS, NCIS: Los Angeles, News Breakfast, Nine News, Outback Ringer, Pie in the Sky, Police Strike Force, SAS Australia, SBS World News, Seven News, Sunrise, The Chase, The Dog House, The Drum, The Feed, The Hundred with Andy Lee, The Poles Revealed, The Project, The Rookie, Today, Zelensky: The Man Who took on Putin
6 Responses
I gave up on the ABC Pup program after 15 minutes-it was just an excuse to show assorted dogs gamboling with their owners, with no examination of how humans and dogs got to that situation-you have to start from wolves and prehistoric humans changing each other to form 2 species, not going for ‘walkies’-a really disappointing show.
Wolves were indeed included later in the show and aspects of anthropology. I just would have liked a bit more of host on camera.
There wasn’t a lot of the host because a lot of the footage was from Europe and the US. Some was old footage shot in Sydney. The MRI segment, the raising of wolf pups, wolf shelter and US vox pops that made up a lot of it I had seen before in a better documentary. It wasn’t based on a much science, and referred to Oxytocin as a neurotransmitter, when describing it’s function as a hormone in mammalian bonding.
Well if you had kept watching…you would have seen all that and more…
Having said that…it was a bit slow….I also hope Tony is worked into it a bit more.
these networks are funny – why, of all the times and timeslots – would you launch a new show about dogs in the only timeslot that currently has a show aboutt dogs – seems like a dog move to me
Two dog shows and a third that’s gone to the dogs (MAFS) 😉