
Pilot Showcase 2022 on 10Play

New pilots with Courtney Act, Narelda Jacobs, Melissa Leong, Susan Carland, Nikki Osborne, Gen Fricker and Ben Russell & Abbie Chatfield on 10 Play.


10’s Pilot Showcase is returning in July with six brand new local pilots to premiere on 10 Play.

They include new titles with Courtney Act, Narelda Jacobs, Melissa Leong, Susan Carland, Nikki Osborne, Gen Fricker and Ben Russell and Abbie Chatfield.

“From sketch comedy, celebrity drag reveals and a few insights into the adult film industry, Pilot Showcase has something for everyone,” 10 said in a statement.

“We have funny shows, clever shows, controversial shows and shows like you have never seen before, and all of them will leave an impact.”

Pilot Showcase is set for Monday 4 July exclusively on 10 Play.

Courtney’s Closet.
Hosted by the indomitable Courtney Act, Courtney’s Closet is a celebrity interview show with a twist. Each episode will see Courtney transform her guest into a drag persona befitting of their personal journey, while teasing out their life story in an intimate interview, culminating in a stunning reveal.

Dinner Guest.
Join Narelda Jacobs, Melissa Leong, Susan Carland and their guests in a no-holds-barred discussion about the biggest topics of today. Presented around a dinner table, this unconventional panel interview show highlights the value of sharing lived experiences and applying compassion in the face of diverse perspectives and voices.

The Love Experiment.
Can 36 questions make you fall in love with a total stranger? The Love Experiment is a simple dating experiment that puts this big idea to the test by matching pairs of strangers to share the most intimate conversations of their lives, all hoping that their vulnerable revelations will be able to transform a mere connection into true love.

The Bush Blonde vs The World.
A sketch comedy show featuring Nikki Osborne in her original viral character “Bush Barbie”. With ludicrous moments of sheer insanity from the rich comedic traditions of Russell Coight and Borat, this program promises to be a wild, over-the-top send up of Australian culture at its funniest.

Time To Die.
Hosted by comedians Gen Fricker and Ben Russell, Time To Die is a devious and down-right evil challenge that dares two comedians to write the worst possible stand-up set for each other to perform in front of an unwitting live audience –will they really follow through with the dare? Just how awful will the jokes be? And how on earth will the audience react?

Abbie Chats.
Abbie Chatfield is on a mission to explore, understand and reveal worlds not commonly seen or heard from on television. Abbie dives into two opposite ends of a subject, bringing her signature unapologetic brand of curiosity, passion and authenticity along, and asking all the questions the audience would never dare to.

Which pilot do you want to see more of from 10?

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29 Responses

  1. Think they are definitely a better selection than last year as I can’t remember last years at all my problem is none of them a very original (apart from being overexposed too) Courtney’s closet is just a variation Ahns brush with fame, we’ve had plenty of dinner guest, talk show formats before. Nikki already saying it’s a variation on Russel Coight. And variations on just more dating formats I can’t stand Abbie and her opinions and talking about over exposure- enough of her already. I might give the comedians one a look but I have a feeling I’ll feel sorry for them. Pretty bizarre offering. But I’m glad they are on 10 play so you control what you pick and choose even more so.

  2. A few titles in the mix I would be curious in watching, but I would love to see a way for the general public to pitch ideas and get a pilot made. Who knows what’s out there? But I realise the likelihood of this happening is not strong and the logistics would be more difficult to fulfil.

  3. Given Ten are not overwhelmed with content on their primary channel (lots of prime time hours filled with encores) moving pilot week off free to air seems a rash idea. It has a great marketing hook making it easy to promote as something new, spread over several nights so lots of opportunity for ratings success, etc.
    It just seems a little perfunctory to dump the new content like this and also raises the question of how success might or can be measured to justify full season commissions. Also, would such commissions also be quarantined on a difficult-to-access platform?

    1. Remember it’s hard to promote a new show let alone 6 in a week. They really can’t over promote it like that can for a new show launch and even still, the way people watch tv these days, Dosent mean people will tune into the original broacdcast.
      The way the media operates in australia and even the way we operate here (and on other) media commentary websites, the next morning at 10am we go in for the kill. So if any of these 6 shows gets under 300k there will be immediate calls for it to not be picked up into a series.
      I think ten have just learnt from their past with this and want to rely on a longer digital based campaign where they can gather viewing stats plus feedback at the same time to hopefully make more informed decisions about which ones progress. They can make these decisions under the guise of secrecy rather than being publicly shamed based on overnight numbers.

      1. Considering that this is a question asked often as to what went broke by going woke, I thought I should answer as to examples I know of, which would be Handsome Her, the vegan restaurant that charged a man tax, the pay what what you want Lentil As Anything restaurant and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Cinderella. Not many examples, but these are examples of things that I know of that have gone broke by going woke.

        1. Thanks. Without wanting to get too off track, Cinderella looks to have run for nearly a year in London and is headed to Broadway. Melb season is currently booking to late July then headed to Brissy, Sydney. Is paying anything you want ‘woke?’ Okaaaaay.

          1. I’m sort of clutching at straws to be honest. Andrew Lloyd Webber did say that the production was a mistake, though there may have been COVID issues. My issue with the pay anything restaurant is that the people didn’t appreciate it in the way it deserved to be appreciated. But this is going off-topic so I’ll leave it at that.

      2. Gillette and their “be a man can be” is the most expensive example. Lost $8 billion in revenue after that one. New Buzz Lightyear movie. The Bachelorette’s latest edition was wokeness personified and bombed massively, the Oscars, even listening to the AFL radio talkback today many people blaming the “woke culture” of the AFL for loss of crowds

        1. Lightyear has grossed $101m, but according to Wiki other factors on box office include competition from Top Gun, Jurassic Park, lesser known characters than Toy Story, Tim Allen replaced, a conservative boycott, spin-off downturns, and 3 previous Pixar films as home cinema. Bachelorette reasons would include casting, but I think show fatigue which Bachelor found too. Last year I wrote that the BVOD numbers were good and that the show had arguably gone the way of Love Island -low on linear / better on BVOD. But how do we explain inclusive shows that succeed, no sign of going broke? The Voice, MasterChef, Gogglebox, Travel Guides, Wentworth, Total Control.

          1. Because shows like The voice, MasterChef, gogglebox etc, are people based shows, producers don’t make them “ woke” to push an agenda. It’s just the people that appear in them. Whereas Disney have deliberately gone out to be “woke”

          2. So without having seen them, it’s too soon to judge if any of these are ‘going woke’ for the same reason you mention here… perhaps just the people that appear in them. I think it reminds us to view before concluding. Good discussion. Back on topic now, thanks!

        1. On the flip side you can point to successes like Star Trek, Turning Red, Black Panther, Ms Marvel, Bridgerton, This Is Us, Glee, 911, 911 Lonestar, The Good Doctor, the never ending franchises of Fast and the Furious and Grey’s Anatomy and probably more but that is just of the top of my head xD. Diversity might not guarantee success but saying it guarantees failure doesn’t seem particularly accurate either.

  4. I think the type of conversation on Dinner Guest would be an important factor. It wouldn’t be good to be dining with political or heavy discussion. It has happened in some cooking shows and it ruins the mood when dining.

    1. Agreed. But if this was to go to series it would be great if they could film and turn it around in a couple of days. Imagine the conversation those three women oils have about topical
      Issues such as the current gun or abortion issues in the US etc. could be quite fascinating.

      1. Yes it would definitely be newsworthy to hear or read their conversations. It’s the setting though. If it was in the style of a The View or Loose Women panel, I think it would be different. If we look back to a show like Kitchen Cabinet, it was more lighthearted and a different side away from the politics.

  5. 10 must have not faith in any of the content if it’s exclusive to 10Play. Still have not idea who Abbie Chatfield is, never heard of the cast of Time to Die, or Nikki Osborne. This could be a good thing that I don’t know who they are, finally some new talent rather than the usual crowd which 10 like to spread across every program.

  6. Good on them. This is great. Few standouts there including dinner guest, time to die and Courtney’s closet. Dinner guest actually could be quite fascinating if done well, especially with that cast. Courtney’s closet could be amazing as well as she is a talent and has the reveal element of brush with fame to keep people hooked to the end.
    Others are a bit same same. Not convinced on Abbie yet but there probably a place for this type of show.

  7. I’d love to see all of these, but 10Play doesn’t work on my Samsung or LG TV’s. We’ve got Apple & Android devices in our house, if a show does start on 10Play using the devices, it freezes and plays ads. Then freezes again.
    Nine now & Seven Plus no problem.

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