
Four Corners: Aug 15

ABC has filmed personal moments, away from the public spotlight, as new MPs navigate their roles as elected MPs and Senators.

“Independents’ Day” on Four Corners sees Louise Milligan reporting onnew independents and one Senator as they begin their office in Canberra.

I feel like an imposter. . . it hasn’t sunk in yet. I think it won’t sink in until I get to sit in Parliament House on the 26th of July.”   

On Monday Four Corners goes behind the scenes with some of the Independent women who defied the odds and defeated high profile politicians from the two major political parties. Reporter Louise Milligan has gained unusual access to two newly minted MPs and one Senator to document their transition to Canberra.

“We’ll need to make this our space…we’ll need to work on our feng shui! It’s strange to move into someone else’s space. I actually feel like I’m intruding at this point.” Independent MP

Four Corners has filmed personal moments, away from the public spotlight, as these new MPs begin to navigate their roles as elected MPs and Senators. We also document the moments when the reality of their public lives sinks in.

“I certainly am copping it from people in my electorate who said ‘and now you’re powerless’. . . ‘You didn’t hold the balance of power.’” Independent MP

The unexpected staff cutbacks initiated by Prime Minister Albanese have rocked the Independents over the last several weeks. In a parliament they hoped would be more reasonable it’s been viewed by some as an attack to limit their success.

“I don’t think he wants us to be a raging success, because then perhaps people in other electorates. . .might think that community independents are the way to go in other seats as well. . . It was an act of huge bastardry.” Independent MP

Monday 15th August at 8.30pm on ABC.

One Response

  1. What a load of rubbish. This was a huge beat up by the media. The previous PM gave the Independents more staff as a bribe. Albo just went back to what is used to be before then.

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