Queens for the Night down under?
Celebrities would channel their 'inner drag star' in a new special to be pitched to Australian networks.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
UK drag special Queens for the Night will be pitched to local broadcasters after ITV Studios took production rights in each territory where it has a non-scripted production base.
The special, hosted in the UK by Lorraine Kelly, features six celebrities being transformed into drag queens and tasked to ‘channel their inner drag star.’ Ant and Dec are said to have inspired ITV bosses to commissioned the show after the huge reaction to their fabulous makeovers on Saturday Night Takeaway.
The UK edition features rugby star Joe Marler, actors Simon Gregson and Adam Woodyatt and singer George Shelley.
Performing live in front of a panel of judges, the drag wannabes will not only have to perfect wearing the highest of the heels but demonstrate singing, dancing, lip syncing, impression, comedy or Dragic! (Drag magic). They will be mentored by British drag queens Blu Hydrangea, Kitty Scott-Claus, La Voix, Myra DuBois, Asttina Mandella, Margo Marshall. The judging panel sees Courtney Act join Melanie C, stand up comedian Rob Beckett and star of Bad Education and West End hit Everybody’s Talking About Jamie, Layton Williams.
A local version, should it proceed to production, would be by ITV Studios Australia, headed up by David Mott.
Meanwhile Courtney’s Closet, mounted for 10’s Pilot Showcase, saw Luke McGregor dragged up and attracting positive feedback.
- Tagged with Courtney’s Closet, Queens For The Night
4 Responses
Sounds like RuPaul’s Secret Celebrity Drag Race (the second season format).
This sounds great! Making LGBTIQ sub-cultures main stream! Perhaps Ten can actually launch Courtney’s Closet instread of paying for the international rights!
Why Always “Drag Queen” but never “Drag King” women are just as good in drag in fact some are fabulous! They deserve a chance in the spotlight too.
Zoe Coombs Marr character ‘Dave’ comes to mind here