
The 1% Club edges out Parental Guidance, MasterChef -but Nine wins Monday

The Chase tops entertainment. Have You Been Paying Attention? leads demos on Monday.

Nine managed a win on Monday despite ACA being its only true timeslot winner in primetime.

The 1% Club won its slot at 562,000 metro viewers then the return of Parental Guidance (511,000), 7:30 (439,000), Australian Story (431,000) and MasterChef Australia (427,000).

Later Have You Been Paying Attention? led with 567,000 then Media Watch (388,000), Four Corners (351,000), Police Rescue Australia (318,000) and 911 (244,000).

Nine network won Monday with 28.1% then Seven 27.2%, 10 19.4%, ABC 17.9% and SBS 7.3%.

Nine News (809,000 / 781,000) was best for Nine then A Current Affair (659,000) and Hot Seat (422,000 / 254,000). Nine News Late was 166,000 while Footy Classified drew 88,000 across 3 cities. 100% Footy was just 38,000 in two cities in a late slot.

Seven News was #1 at 1.02m / 982,000 for Seven. The Chase topped entertainment at 599,000 / 353,000 then Home & Away (526,000). 911: Lone Star was 160,000.

The Project was 300,000 / 201,000 for 10. 10 News First drew 238,000 / 167,000. Just for Laughs Australia was 201,000. FBI: Most Wanted managed 100,000.

ABC News scored 580,000 for ABC. Q+A (232,000) and The Drum (168,000) followed.

On SBS it was SBS World News (158,000 / 111,000), Michael Palin in North Korea (90,000), Secrets of the Tower of London (82,000), Mastermind (80,000) and Reframed: Marilyn Monroe (72,000).

A new season of Ginger & the Vegesaurs led multichannels at 110,000.

Sunrise: 236,000
Today: 188,000
News Breakfast: 90,000 / 37,000

In Total TV numbers last Monday were:

911: 564,000
Have You Been Paying Attention?:  1.01m
The Summit: 731,000
MasterChef Australia: 861,000
Media Watch: 739,000
Home & Away: 1.02m
The 1% Club: 1.04m

OzTAM Overnights: Monday 5 June 2023

12 Responses

  1. You wonder if Matt Doran is a strategy behind closed doors… Fall-back for Shirvo? Killing it with Mon on Weekends? Work load with presumably more crime shows (CiA Australia, etc)? Was on-location live cross for Kathleen Folbig news on Sunrise this morning with Chris Reason. I reckon Seven deep down still really like the guy, despite Adele gaffe, otherwise would’ve been booted. And packs quite the CV dating back 20 years long before Seven (Herald Sun and various at Ten Adelaide and Sydney. How he was treated after Adele was disgusting. Seems a lovely guy and big Melbourne Demons fan.

  2. Sunrise numbers are pretty high due to Kochie’s last week. Wonder what they will be on Friday.

    H&A cracked 1mil in total numbers – really good for a local show or might be helped by viewers tuning in for the start of 1% as H&A usually runs overtime.

    1. I have never viewed H&A but it is very impressive to me (and I’ve made this point before) for this show to routinely get 900k+ four nights a week (7 day viewing). Assuming it does here, likely seven wins the night. But for a show which is on for approx 40 weeks a year, 4 nights a week, close to a million each time is impressive.

  3. The first time I’d watched it, Jim really is a natural.

    But in one of the questions bloody Ch7 had their water mark advertising Million Dollar Island plastered over one of the answers which makes it impossible for the viewer at home!!

    1. He is a natural host. Love him hosting

      However, I felt that he was slightly flat last night (if he’s a 10/10 most eps, last night he was an 8.5/10) compared to other episodes – Maybe the players were less willing to have banter.

      Either that, or I’d guess that last nights ep was the first produced when he was accustomed use to the format.

    2. Agree he is a natural and very funny. Yes what was that watermark right over option D of the answers, couldn’t see through it so couldn’t do that question, pretty sloppy by 7 on that point.

  4. Seven have a bit of a hit on their hands with the 1% club. I’m sure there are people locked away in a room as we speak working out how they can make it work 3 x per week for 90 mins at a time ☺☺

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