
Seven leading in Footy show contest

The Front Bar wins its timeslot while Seven's Talking Footy outranks Nine's Footy Classified.

Seven’s momentum with AFL is kicking goals with The Front Bar winning its timeslot and Talking Footy besting Nine’s Footy Classified, even with both not on primary channels in all cities.

Meanwhile The Block again topped entertainment at 1.05m in National TV Audience, eclipsing The 1% Club UK (779,000), 7:30 (753,000), Thank God You’re Here (584,000) and Shaun Micallef’s Eve of Destruction (423,000).

Later The Front Bar led with 579,000 then Human Error (467,000), Guy Montgomery’s Guy Mont Spelling Bee (425,000), Inspired Unemployed (Impractical) Jokers (210,000) and Dan Snow’s Greatest Discoveries (203,000).

Seven News was #1 at 1.27m with Home & Away at 865,000 then The Chase (598,000). Talking Footy (220,000) and Air Crash Investigations (119,000) screened in select cities.

Nine News averaged 1.15m with wins for A Current Affair (997,000) and Tipping Point (672,000). A replay of Million Dollar Murders scored 114,000 with Footy Classified (89,000) where it screened.

ABC News drew 829,000 then Planet America (410,000) which led its slot. Hard Quiz (374,000), Antiques Roadshow (211,000) followed.

The Project pulled 310,000 for 10. 10 News First was 307,000 then Deal or No Deal (286,000) and NCIS (119,000).

On SBS it was SBS World News (182,000 / 133,000), Secrets of our Universe with Tim Peake (138,000), The Sixth Commandment (83,000) and Mastermind (66,000).

Sunrise: 386,000
Today: 331,000
News Breakfast: 248,000

National Total TV: Wednesday 18 September 2024

9 Responses

  1. Sorry again David, I promise this will be the last.. but similar to Rove Live would Hey Hey It’s Saturday be on the Expensive or Cheaper end??
    And would ACA & 60 Minutes be a Factual, Chat Interview or Panel Experts type show??
    Many Thanks!

  2. ” The Front Bar led with 579,000 then Human Error (467,000)”
    David, off the top of your head, which show would have the bigger production costs and by what sort of margin?

      1. On topic, also wondered David, what would be the Order from most expensive to most cheapest genre to make?? Reality, Drama Miniseries, Animation, Panel Shows, Comedy Shows, Sitcoms, Entertainment Variety, Satire Sketch, Chat Show Interviews, Soap Opera, Lifestyle, Factual, Documentary.?? Many Thanks!

          1. Haha funny David..
            Always thought Reality was more expensive than Drama!?
            Would Rove Live be a Comedy Show, Chat/Panel Show or Entertainment Variety??
            And lastly why did Channel 9 say when they axed The Footy Show, Talkin Bout Your Generation & The Voice that it was Expensive if none of them are Drama?? An excuse.!??

          2. I would avoid generalisations. I gave you a broad answer that Drama is generally the most expensive, but Reality can be very expensive. It depends on the format rights, number of staff, locations, talent (such as Voice coaches). I’d consider Rove a variety, but no argument with chat.

    1. Also, dramas will have an overseas distribution deal before they start shooting so they can gather other income streams. Reality and panel shows are regional and don’t travel well.

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