Seven stays ahead in ratings week
Sunday reality shows The Block and The Voice were best in entertainment last week.
- Published by David Knox
- on
- Filed under News
Last week was another winner for Seven even without any AFL (unless you count AFLW).
But The Block topped the week in entertainment at 1.32m for Sunday.
Seven News also drew 1.32m for Sunday eclipsing Nine’s 1.26m. The Voice was Seven’s best in entertainment at 1.05m.
Have You Been Paying Attention? topped 10’s week at 715,000.
TOTAL PEOPLE | TV | 29.85% | 25.74% | 15.78% | 8.55% | 18.90% |
BVOD | 27.68% | 25.60% | 11.25% | 13.64% | 21.83% | |
Total TV | 29.60% | 25.72% | 15.25% | 9.14% | 19.24% | |
PEOPLE 25-54 | TV | 27.49% | 28.56% | 22.31% | 6.62% | 14.34% |
BVOD | 29.40% | 28.79% | 12.85% | 9.58% | 19.39% | |
Total TV | 27.85% | 28.61% | 20.52% | 7.18% | 15.30% | |
PEOPLE 16-39 | TV | 25.55% | 28.68% | 23.43% | 5.58% | 16.32% |
BVOD | 29.75% | 30.03% | 12.92% | 7.61% | 19.70% | |
Total TV | 26.64% | 29.02% | 20.72% | 6.10% | 17.19% |
1. The Voice: National reach 2.32 million, national audience 1.05 million. Second most watched episode this season. Up week-on-week. Up 9% on 7plus year-on-year.
2. 7NEWS Sunday: #1 news program. National reach 2.23 million, national audience 1.32 million.
3. 7NEWS Monday: #1 program. National reach 2.21 million, national audience 1.37 million.
4. 7NEWS Tuesday: #1 program. National reach 2.15 million, national audience 1.35 million.
5. 7NEWS Wednesday: #1 program. National reach 2.06 million, national audience 1.3 million.
6. 7NEWS Thursday: #1 program. National reach 1.93 million, national audience 1.19 million.
7. 7NEWS Friday: #1 program. National reach 1.81 million, national audience 1.15 million.
8. My Kitchen Rules Tuesday: #1 entertainment program. National reach 1.71 million, national audience 937,000. Second biggest audience this year. Up 7% in total TV year-on-year. Up 37% on 7plus year-on-year.
9. 7NEWS Saturday: #1 program. National reach 1.67 million, national audience 1.05 million.
10. My Kitchen Rules Monday: National reach 1.61 million, national audience 876,000. Up 31% on 7plus year-on-year.
11. Better Homes and Gardens: National reach 1.58 million, national audience 636,000. #1 lifestyle program.
12. The 1% Club UK: National reach 1.44 million, national audience 848,000.
13. Pearl Harbour: National reach 1.37 million, national audience 320,000.
14. Home and Away Tuesday: #1 drama. National reach 1.33 million, national audience 887,000.
15. Home and Away Wednesday: #1 drama. National reach 1.33 million, national audience 862,000.
16. Home and Away Thursday: #1 entertainment program. National reach 1.32 million, national audience 747,000.
17. Home and Away Monday: #1 drama. National reach 1.31 million, national audience 917,000.
18. The Chase Australia Monday: #1 game show. National reach 1.31 million, national audience 636,000.
19. The Chase Australia Tuesday: #1 game show. National reach 1.28 million, national audience 615,000.
20. 7NEWS Spotlight: National reach 1.28 million, national audience 582,000.
21. A Few Good Men: National reach 1.25 million, national audience 288,000.
22. The Chase Australia Wednesday: National reach 1.24 million, national audience 592,000.
23. The Chase Australia Friday: #1 game show. National reach 1.17 million, national audience 554,000.
24. Australia’s Most Dangerous Prisoners: National reach 1.15 million, national audience 463,000.
25. The Chase Australia Thursday: National reach 1.13 million, national audience 559,000.
26. The Great Outdoors: National reach 1.01 million, national audience 596,000.
27. Weekend Sunrise Sunday: #1 breakfast show. National reach 1.01 million, national audience 396,000. 55% more viewers than Today.
28. Sunrise Wednesday: #1 breakfast program. National reach 954,000, national audience 393,000. 36% more viewers than Today.
29. Sunrise Monday: #1 breakfast program. National reach 909,000, national audience 377,000. 27% more viewers than Today.
30. Sunrise Thursday: #1 breakfast program. National reach 902,000, national audience 374,000. 18% more viewers than Today.
Source: OzTAM VOZ national total TV, overnight program reach (broadcast TV 1 min/BVOD 15 sec), national average audience. Share based on “when watched” 1800-2400. #1 programs based on reach on day of broadcast, unless otherwise noted.
For the second week running Nine has not supplied weekly results.
- Tagged with Have You Been Paying Attention?, Seven News, The Block, The Voice