
Love Island is Nine’s BVOD hit

On 9Now Love Island is often doubling every other show and drawing its biggest BVOD numbers over 6 seasons.

Love Island Australia is drawing the biggest BVOD numbers across its 6 seasons.

On most nights around three quarters of its audience is watching on 9Now, where it premieres first at 6pm.

452,000 have now watched the 2024 launch on 9Now, the highest rating episode on 9Now in the franchise’s history.

Season 5 is currently averaging 351,000 people via 9Now, up 28% YoY based on 28 Day Consolidated viewing.

Monday’s ep also had the biggest overnight BVOD audience, with an average audience of 184,000 on 9Now -twice any other program on air.

Love Island even took out the Top 4 programs of the week last week in the 16-39 demo.

ITV Creative Director Alex Mavroidakis told TV Tonight, “In a time when the fight for eyeballs is harder than ever before, it is a rarity to refresh the BVOD numbers and get great news every single morning!

“This series we have seen the highest 7 day number, the highest 28 day number and the highest overnight number in the history of the franchise. After 6 series that is an incredible result and we are thrilled to be able to repay Nine for their continued faith in Love Island Australia.

Love Island continues to reign as the World Heavyweight Champion of dating shows. I like to think its continued success is down to keeping our tongue firmly in our cheeks – yes, there is a truckload of drama but also a deep vein of humour and fun. That, to me, is the secret to success in fast turnaround TV. Funny wins!”

The series has just unveiled a Hotel Amor twist, which sees couples re-coupled, while a Movie Night and ‘Truth Bike’ are still to come.

Mavroidakis also acknowledged host Sophie Monk and the post-production team.

“We left Spain feeling good . . . But you never really know until you get to the edit and see if all the madness makes sense. And then you never really really know until you go to air and the numbers come in. Luckily, it appears we have a series that is pleasing the loyal fan base and bringing new viewers to 9Now,” he said.

“I’m also thrilled for Sophie Monk, who gets better and better each year. She is a joy to work with.”

2 Responses

  1. Not a fan of the shows content at all but feels like a big part of its success is that the show is hitting 9now late afternoon/early evening long before its on linear tv airing allowing for its fans to watch it at their leisure. ABC seems to have clued onto the same thing with a lot of their shows hitting Iview 7am the day of broadcast. Shows that they are starting to wake up to the fact that both platforms cater for different audiences.

    1. Its a smart move for sure. Slop like Love Island that’s watched by younger viewers who use smart devices are more likely to be watched on those devices compared to free-to-air TV.

      That being said, this show stinks. Love Island is bad.

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