★★★★★ 0/5
Extra jungle clues from 10
‘Reality Royalty' 'TikTokker' and an 'Influencer' are South Africa-bound.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming, Video
‘Reality Royalty’ ‘TikTokker’ and an ‘Influencer’ are the newest clues for I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, returning January 19 on 10.
- Tagged with I'm a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here
5 Responses
I think it’s Jonathan Brown
If its Reggie, the contest is already over – the public will just get all teary for her, like they did in her latest BB run, and vote her to win..
Reality Royalties is likely a female big brother winner (“She conquered a house”)
Could be Reggie (most notable of the 2 or 3 female BBAus winners) or (outside chance) Courtney Act (won Celeb BBUK and has had runs on other shows – surprised she hasn’t done IAC).
Courtney is in UK until mid Jan doing panto, until the show starts filming(there are always late intruders, but it’d be a big push)
Now rumoured to be probably Tully Smyth…