★★★★★ 0/5
Hard Quiz: Dec 11
In the season finale, Supernatural and Michael Caine are amongst expert topics.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under Programming
The season final of Hard Quiz this week tackles these expert topics: anaesthesia, TV drama Supernatural, aircraft manufacturer Boeing, and Michael Caine.
Tom Gleeson tests once more in the battle for the Big Brass Mug.
8pm Wednesday on ABC.
- Tagged with Hard Quiz
4 Responses
Keep these alerts coming…essential to the website
Michael Caine great actor! Supernatural excellent series. Anaestthesia depressing subject. As much as I enjoy eating meat I would probably go vegetarian or vegan if given the task of putting animal or person to sleep forever.
Anesthesia is not the same thing as euthanasia, indeed quite the opposite and a miracle of modern medicine…
I agree Anaesthesia is a depressing subject and it’s a nightmare for people like me who suffer Tomophobia or Trypanaphobia.