
Rice joins Supermodel

Hands up who said Stephanie Rice would be dancing or singing for the Seven Network? Wrong. Well at least not yet…

But they sure haven’t wasted anytime. Almost as soon as she lands back home Rice will be filming segments for Make Me a Supermodel. Yup.

According to News Limited she’s going to “advise contestants on how to handle a sudden rise to fame and also how to appeal to the general public.”

Doesn’t she appeal by winning three gold medals?

“Stephanie was hot property ahead of the Games of the XXIX Olympiad. She then backed up the widespread attention with three world-record-breaking swims and three gold medals,” Leckie gushed in a statement yesterday.

“With her unbelievable ability and wonderful smile, Stephanie has captured the hearts of all Australians during her fantastic Olympic campaign.

“She returns to Australia a sporting hero, and deservedly so.”

TV Tonight agrees that for $700,000 she will be either dancin’ or warblin’ by 2009 too.

Source: Courier Mail

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