
Top Gear drives up the ratings

The new-look Top Gear Australia pulls an impressive 1.53m for Nine in a close race for the night with Seven.

Top Gear Australia drove up the ratings for Nine last night, an encouraging sign for the new host line-up.

It pulled 1.53m viewers for its 90 minute Ashes special well ahead of Four Weddings (1.02m), and Talkin’ ‘Bout Your Generation (999,000). It was a much warmer welcome than the previous hosts (one of whom was Steve Pizzati) attracted on SBS. In truth it probably has a lot to do with the fact Nine has a bigger pool of regular viewers and that many of us had now become more adjusted to the idea of local hosts after SBS copped all the flak. Having an appearance by the UK hosts also didn’t hurt.

Strangely, the Ashes Special was indeed just that -a special. For the next 2 weeks it is back to old episodes from the UK. Did Nine not want to roll them out against the Commonwealth Games?

Tuesday’s #1 show was again Packed to the Rafters,  but dipped to 1.68m.

Nine will be happy with premiere figures for Survivor (798,000 / 692,000) beating Parenthood (750,000) and NCIS repeats (734,000 / 727,000).

A Quiet Word with Bill Bailey was 498,000 for ABC1 nearly 200,000 up on the show in the same timeslot the previous week.

Sunrise‘s 454,000 blitzed Today‘s 297,000. Deal (613,000) beat Hot Seat (609,000) but lt’s not forget TEN News beats both (860,000).

7mate improved on GEM last night with a 2.3% share to 1.5%. 7mate was only just behind GO and 7TWO both on 2.5%.

Seven won the night -just.

Week 40

19 Responses

  1. I watched it and thought it was terrible. I watch Top Gear to be entertained, and it wasn’t entertaining.

    Than again, its good to see that Shane Hayne has found a second job outside of being a video referee in the NRL.

  2. Lets remember though – Ewan was brought in because of his car expertise – he is not a tv presenter, he is a magazine editor. It’ll probably take a few eps for him to relax into it. Still much better than the first host of TGA on SBS (cant remember his name but he was SO annoying)

  3. To me, it all seems a bit fake.
    They act like mates, but then also talk over-the-top.

    Although Ewen Page is pretty out of place, the other two are alright. But still, they dont seem as normal.

    Also, the better ratings are to be expected. It’s Channel Nine not SBS

  4. I know it’s standard practice for new shows not to go up against the Com or Olympic Games and yes annoying as hell considering all the options people now have for entertainment. Unfortunately the Com Games don’t rate high in the US so their shows will continue, so much for fast tracked Glee and House…

    I liked the show last night but was I the only one expecting them to be in Australia and the ‘Nigel’s’ experiencing local cars?

  5. It was great! I mean of course nothing will live up to the original, but this last night was a fantastic start. only thing that bugs me is Ewen Page. Doesn’t fit in, he’s to unatural. Shane and Steve, great. So Two thumbs up from me.

  6. 7mate has a great mid-week schedule. GEM leaves very much to be desired. Also glad to see 7mate get some decent figures.

    Between Go, 7mate and ABC2 – digital is really doing well for itself. Much more interesting programming than the regular channels at times.

  7. Top Gear last night was soooo funny. It also helped that the UK hosts where they as they are all great. Does anyone know how many episodes there are of Top Gear Australia?

  8. I watched this half expecting to hate it, (I wasn’t a fan of TGA on SBS), but I didn’t. In fact i stayed with it right through. Maybe part of it was the appearance of Clarkson, Hammond & May. I have a feeling Shane Jacobson will be the star of the 3 Auissie hosts.

  9. It is weird that Nine doesn’t want new TG AU to run against the games… so once again on FTA much of our shows will go into re-run even those not on the games carrier.

    David do you plan a story on the shows we can expect to see on FTA over the next 2 weeks that won’t be re-runs?

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