★★★★★ 0/5
Airdate: AAA: Summafieldayze
MTV has backstage access to Grandmaster Flash, Snoop Dogg, Scissor Sisters, Erick Morillo & Moby.
- Published by David Knox
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MTV’s AAA visits Summafieldayze 2012 for backstage access to Grandmaster Flash, Snoop Dogg, Scissor Sisters, Erick Morillo & Moby.
Pull back the black curtain & follow these festival headliners as they schmooze, booze & get put to work at one of the hottest summer festivals this side of 2012.
This ain’t just any AAA pass. You’re rolling with the big boys now.
For this year’s Summafieldayzs highlights and intimate artist interviews, this MTV AAA special is not to be missed!
8:30pm Thursday January 26
Repeats on MTV Classic:
Friday 27 January @ 1.30pm
Sunday 29 January @ 8.00am
Thursday 2 February @ 11.30pm
- Tagged with AAA: Summafieldayz