
Game on at 5:30

Ratings: Million Dollar Minute gives away over $300,000 but Hot Seat had its best numbers of the year.

Alex DusekBig numbers were at stake in the 5:30pm timeslot yesterday, as evidence that the lead-up to the 6pm News is still big business.

A contestant on Million Dollar Minute walked away with $307,000 -equalling the biggest prize the show has given away and reportedly the largest cash prize given by an afternoon quiz show.

26-year-old nightshift worker Alex Dusek plans to spend his money on a low-budget horror movie that he has been scripting for the past three years.

For their efforts the show pulled 617,000 viewers.

But over on rival network Nine, Hot Seat recorded its biggest  audience of the year at 746,000 and its best numbers since July.

Are they both a sign of Daylight Saving numbers lifting?

Seven network won the night with a share of 34.2% then Nine 30.8%, ABC 16.4%, TEN 13.7% and SBS 4.8%.

My Kitchen Rules was again #1 at 1.67m for Seven. Resurrection is still big business at 1.39m then Seven News (1.29m / 1.14m), Home and Away (1.03m), Million Dollar Minute (617,000),

The Block (1.49m) was best for Nine then The Big Bang Theory (1.3m / 919,000),  Nine News (1.28m / 1.16m), A Current Affair (1.1m), Hot Seat (746,000), 2 Broke Girls (563,000 / 368,000), Two and a Half Men was 270,000.

ABC News (908,000) topped ABC1 again followed by 7:30 (659,000), New Tricks (650,000), Foreign Correspondent (632,000), What’s Your Story?  (501,000), Grand Designs (384,000), At the Movies (352,000). Artscape was 186,000.

The Project (643,000 / 385,000) with guest host Wil Anderson led TEN followed by TEN Eyewitness News (619,000), NCIS (484,000), NCIS: LA  (461,000). Failing at the first hurdle was Jamie and Jimmy’s Food Fight Club (293,000) and a Modern Family repeat (261,000).

Insight (230,000), Royalty Up Close (229,000), SBS World News (156,000) and Dateline (126,000) made up SBS ONE.

An emotional episode of Neighbours led multichannels at 312,000.

Today: 339,000
Sunrise:  337,000
ABC News Breakfast: 98,000 / 45,000
Wake Up: 33,000

OzTAM Overnights: Tuesday 8 April 2014

13 Responses

  1. @MM and Jake S The Chase is a brilliant show, Would like to see an Australian version of that, just scratching my head of who would be potential Chasers. But me thinks an Australian version would be a prime time offering and not a teatime offering like they have in the UK.

  2. I think it would be easier if the earlier timeslot was listed first with The Project. Because it seems weird to me that it’s 7pm, 6.30pm. That said I’m very grateful for the information even if presented in a counter-intuitive way. So I hope it doesn’t come across as a criticism. It isn’t meant to be one.

  3. Yeah “Millionaire Hot Seat” and “Million Dollar Minute” are great shows to watch and possibly enter as a contestant, so long as you live in Melbourne where both shows are taped. Hot Seat occasionally has an interstate contestant, but Minute only has entrants from Melbourne and surrounding areas! Unfair!

  4. @ MM, Jake S
    I agree, The Chase is really good. I like Hot Seat but I feel there is not enough questions and there is just too much talking with Eddie and the contestants.

    1. Chris: Like the News, The Project splits its numbers into 2 x half hours in order to lift the average. It’s a bit cheeky but OzTAM is allowing networks to do his. The show rates higher in the second half. 385,000 was for 6:30 – 7pm.

  5. In agreement with Gaz, much prefer Million Dollar Minute over Hot Seat, much quicker show, more questions to test your brain, more variety, although Hot Seat rates well I think people just don’t like change, another great show in the afternoon is The Chase, just love that too.

  6. I much prefer Million Dollar Minute over Hot Seat, many more questions, and a lot more variety. Still loving both Parenthood and Smash too, although they keep me awake far too late !

  7. Great numbers by The Project. Sadly it didn’t come sooner. I think Will done a good job last night but unfortunately I just don’t think he is serious enough for the current affairs/news headline stories. Like every time he introduced a news story it looked like he was holding back a joke. Although I think he is overall rather good, I don’t think he is strong enough to be Charlie’s replacement. Just my opinion.

  8. I watched Will Anderson last night on The Project and I have to say he was very good. Didn’t even think of him as a possible candidate. Yer he has a bit of tweeking to do especially when it comes to reading the auto que and just over all fluency and transistions. He really bounced off Pete very well, I guess the real test is what he’s like with Carrie. I’m glad he’s there for the whole week, so week can see that playout.

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