
PG-rated Neighbours

When Neighbours moves to Eleven next year it will shift from being in a G classification to PG.

When Neighbours moves to Eleven next year it will shift from being in a G classification to PG, the same as enjoyed by Home and Away.

That could allow it to add more spice to storylines. Digital multi-channels do not have G zones and the PG classification applies between 5am-noon and 3pm-8.30pm on school days.

“If we wished, Neighbours could be reclassified PG (and therefore story lines could change) but remain in the 6.30pm time slot,” a TEN Spokesperson told The Australian.

Fremantle Media Australia chief executive Ian Hogg previously said: “Our storyline plans for 2011 are both bold and dramatic.”

Any change in content will have no classification effect in Britain, where Home & Away and Neighbours are screened at lunchtime and at 5.30pm and 6pm. Neighbours now screens on the digital terrestrial channel Five where it has many more years on its current contract.

Source: The Australian

17 Responses

  1. This should could be R rated, the terrible writing and acting on the show has killed it stone dead.

    I mean, its worse than the quality of a Saturday morning special. Just look at recent episodes…..the kids are solving crimes.

    And that blond haired kid of Paul Robinson, he’s some kind of super hero!

    A couple of weeks ago, his friend needed a job as they were in the local gym. Robinsons son steps in.

    Coming back from the commercial break, he’d managed to get his friend a job, had him behind the desk working already, he even had a bloody polo shirt and a lanyard!

  2. Susan Bower, executive producer, said this in an interview published on Digital Spy today:

    Reports suggest that Neighbours will be able to air PG content after it moves to digital channel Eleven in Australia next year.

    Speaking of the possibility, Bower added: “To be honest it has not been confirmed how the classifications will be affected. However, we have been pushing the boundaries this year, and how far do we take that if in fact we do? Do we want to keep what is essentially Neighbours? Yes. Do we want to make it a bit more contemporary without alienating half our audience? That’s what we are aiming for.”


  3. This is great news for the writers, but they won’t want to shake Ramsey Street up too much because their most important audience lives in the UK, not here. It really doesn’t matter if no-one here follows them over to Eleven.

  4. dont know why its taken that long to make it PG, still….. i really think as a big Neighbours fan, moving the show to this new channel 11 is giving it a death sentence.
    the ratings will be Less than they are now and i doubt it’ll be nominated for anymore Logies and appreciated as one of Australias best drama’s on a digital channel.

    also Ten, having an extra hour of News instead wont help your ratings any more either :\

  5. Long overdue, but I doubt it would service the show in any meaningful way. Neighbours will still be insulting to one’s intelligence just like every other 6.30pm weeknightly show on the commercial stations.

    @ Bruce Banner: You can use the word “sex” under the G classification. It’s only the frankness of the sexual content that need to be restrained. In other words, showing couples in bed or implying that sex having occurred between characters is okay, but depicting them grinding and moaning or discussing “performance” is not. The Simpsons have had plenty of G rated episodes that use the word “sex”, or include sex as a central theme.

  6. This doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense. If the show is still going to be classified as G (as a quote in the Australian article states) even though it is in a PG timeslot, surely the writers will still have to stick to those boundaries?

  7. Not sure why The Australian feels the need to identify Five as a “digital channel”, it is no more a “digital channel” than Channel 10 here is. It’s one of the analogue networks that is converting to digital. The only difference there is that a number of regions in the UK are now digital-only as the shutdown of analogue spreads around the country (which we are only just starting to do) – so if The Australian are trying to equate Neighbours’ move to Eleven here to the move to Five there, they are mistaken.

  8. I would love for this to happen, but only in a way which would make Neighbours more realistic. The PG rating should not be used for crazy H&A storylines, but just to add realism to existing storylines. No more sugar coating, no more cut-aways, fights getting more intense than just shirt pulling and pushing around and in which more proper language can be used. Love scenes can me more frank then they currently are. They couldn’t even show Paul falling to the ground properly because of the way too restrictive G rating. A massive change for the better if they write PG storylines.

  9. The spokeman said if they “wished”, they could do that. It doesn’t mean they will though. Technically they can on the channel. However, I’m sure they officially announced a couple of weeks ago that there would be no change to the classsification, even when they do move to 11.

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