
Seven dancing to the top

Ratings: Live Television still draws a crowd for Seven, as Dancing with the Stars dominates Tuesday viewing.

Dan and Edwina 3Dancing with the Stars stepped back onto television screens last night and proved once again why Live television is still broadly appealing. It topped the night with 1.33m viewers (Preliminary) which is a very good average for a show that run shy of 3 hours by just 10 minutes.

It’s also better than its 2012 premiere of 1.08m viewers -but that was against The Voice premiere.

Seven dominated viewing, more than double TEN’s share as Sleepy Hollow slipped to 461,000.

Seven network share was 34.5% then Nine 24.7%, ABC 18.5%, TEN 16.6% and SBS 5.7.

Seven’s other performers were Seven News (1.19m), Today Tonight (1.08m), Home and Away (979,000), Body of Proof (671,000 / 201,000), Million Dollar Minute (514,000) and Deal or No Deal (320,000).

Nine News (1.32m) led Nine then ACA (1.04m), Big Brother (817,000), Hot Seat (613,000), Big School (644,000), Big Bang Theory (636,000) and Movie: The Hangover (357,000).

ABC News (1.02m) won its timeslot for ABC1 followed by 7:30 (822,000), Foreign Correspondent (762,000), Rise of the Continents (700,000), At the Movies (437,000), and Restoration Home (304,000).

TEN Eyewitness News (632,000) was TEN’s best followed by The Project (572,000), Recipe to Riches (516,000) and Sleepy Hollow (461,000). The Simpsons was 368,000 and NCIS: LA was 304,000.

On SBS ONE it was Who Do You Think You Are? (343,000), Insight (261,000), World News Australia (181,000) and Dateline (160,000).

Neighbours topped multichannels with 296,000.

Sunrise: 373,000
Today: 315,000
ABC News Breakfast: 69,000 / 49,000

OzTAM Overnights: Tuesday 1 October 2013

26 Responses

  1. This is a big commitment by Seven, doing two major live productions (DWTS, X Factor) at the same time. It seems to be working, as the strategy is to finish the ratings year on top and thus be a more attractive spend to advertisers during the summer non-ratings period.

  2. @ryan – Sleepy Hollow and Recipe gets around 600k and 550k respectively when there is consolidated figures. It is doing a really good job by holding its audience.
    I agree with you David about Deal as it is awfully bad ratings and mainly demos

  3. My theory as to why DWTS, BB, Xfactor and all the other reality shows do well is because it is easy to watch a second screen with these shows. With drama you have to concentrate too much. Just my 2 bobs worth.

  4. I reckon at this point Seven could put a plate of steaming dog poo on the tv for an hour and it would double anything TEN offers. Sad to think…Love the Project but with the steady increase in daily news bulletins on all competing networks, by 6:30 I’ve heard it all… hope that it stays though..

  5. Dancing was back with a Big Bang!
    Loved the new judges and the fact that ultra annoying Josh Horner has gone.
    But the highlight for me was without a doubt Edwina as co host, she was so natural and I feel made for a prime time role like this.
    A perfect casting decision from Seven, good to see local talent getting used over international imports.

  6. Has Deal or No Deal been rating better than when The Price is Right was on at five o’clock?

    Do you think Seven will renew Deal for next year?

  7. seems australians do not mind tv shows in high quantities. BB 5 nights a week 90min-2.5h a night, DWTS 3hrs, 7hr logies – or what feels like anyway. while a lot of the traditional 1hr/week shows are struggling. wonder how long this trend will last?

  8. Great to see DWTS back where it belongs, Tuesday nights, which it owned for years before the puzzling move to Sunday nights. Edwina was light years ahead of Mel B, great hostess and an excellent casting choice. Loved Kim Johnson and Adam Garcia. Thought Cosentino was the pick of the contestants, dance wise. He was absolutely fantastic.

    @Cynical, the show had four judges for several years, prior to the departure of Paul Mercurio.

  9. I think 10 seem to get 50% of the audience of 7 and 9 and using that hypothesis Recipe to Riches would be a hit and Sleepy Hollow would do solid numbers. I would love to test this by putting MKR on 10 but now I’m just being silly.

  10. Patrick Stewart (Jean-Luc Picard) was excellent on Who Do You Think You Are…..engaging and compelling TV.

    Ch7 & Ch9 are getting good at refreshing shows/oldish formats

    It seems almost cruel to keep bagging ch10

  11. Hi David, just letting you know the link to the overnight ratings goes to last Tuesday. Bit of a Doctor Who moment for me.

    Well done to DWTS.There was a surprising amount of chatter about it last night, so Seven seem to have successfully refreshed the show when ABC(US) could not.

  12. I’ll repeat this comment, if Ten intended for Sleepy Hollow to be an 8.30 show, then they should have launched it in an 8.30 slot. It was unrealistic to expect 8.30 kind of numbers in a 9.30 slot and for it then to pick up new viewers in its second week.

  13. Great result for a show that went 3 hours. The show surprised me it was fun all the way through and Edwina is a natural. Great choice by Seven. Who’d have thought in its 13th season it would still be doing so well.

  14. What I saw of Edwina, she was terrific and I’m glad this show is doing well. But I just don’t understand why 4 judges? It’s not about the judges.

  15. How infuriating.. 3 hours of TV and if you taped it you missed the last 5 minutes.

    We recorded it with Foxtel including the extra 20 minutes and still missed it.

    We missed Tina Arena’s scores and whatever the finale was..

  16. Great to see that DWTS did well, impressed with most of the dancers, although nerves did get the better of some, hope it continues to impress viewers and they get enjoyment out of it. Family entertainment is lovely in this day and age.

  17. DWTS set looks refresh, Daniel is looking great with the “Breaking Bad” look and Edwina was definately the highlight of the show… good to see it back on top again…

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