House Rules hits season high, Mystery Road beats Sunday Night.
Ratings: A victory for local drama over a much-publicised interview, as Seven wins Sunday.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Sunday was a win for local drama with Mystery Road drawing 786,000 with viewers staying right to the end of the double episode premiere.
That put the show ahead of a much-publicised Sunday Night interview on 631,000, which did better than last week’s 427,000.
Earlier House Rules won its timeslot for the first time this season with 882,000 viewers.
The reveal of a Tweed Heads renovation outranked The Voice on 816,000 and MasterChef Australia (781,000 from 7:30pm) -the latter still topped the demos- and David Attenborough’s Tasmania at 750,000 from 7:40pm.
Seven network won the night with 29.2% then Nine 27.1%, ABC 20.8%, TEN 17.1% and SBS 5.8%.
Seven News was#1 with 1.18m viewers then House Rules (882,000) and Sunday Night (631,000). Crimes That Shook the World drew 247,000.
Nine News (1.07m) was best for Nine then The Voice (816,000 in preliminary numbers) and 60 Minutes (429,000 in preliminary).
Mystery Road (786,000 / 773,000), David Attenborough’s Tasmania (750,000), ABC News (747,000) and Back in Time for Dinner (242,000) comprised ABC’s night.
MasterChef Australia led with 781,000 for TEN followed by The Sunday Project (428,000 / 237,000), NCIS (311,000 / 221,000) and TEN Eyewitness News (309,000).
On SBS it was Underwater Pompeii (204,000), Elvis Presley: The Searcher (171,000) and SBS World News (155,000).
7mate’s Avengers movie topped multichannels with 216,000 viewers. Love Island drew 121,000 on 9GO!
OzTAM Overnights: Sunday 3 June 2018
- Tagged with 60 Minutes, ABC News, Back In Time For Dinner, Crimes That Shook The World, David Attenborough's Tasmania, Elvis Presley: The Searcher, House Rules, MasterChef Australia, Mystery Road, NCIS, Nine News, SBS World News, Seven News, Sunday Night, TEN Eyewitness News, The Sunday Project, The Voice, Underwater Pompeii
32 Responses
Boom ! – that is why we should be investing in original Australian dramas….not remakes !
well looks like maybe 7 paying out all that money for the Sunday Night Barnaby scoop backfired on them slightly, when you get the ABC out rating them it says an awful lot! Of course i am not saying the ABC didn’t deserve to win their timeslot, but in the past even when they had great viewing material airing, they have been beaten many times by the commercial networks.
As Barrie Cassidy on the Project suggested, some people might have boycotted watching Sunday night, i too wondered how much of that was the reason for the ratings fail.
NCIS is the wrong show for Sun night, families watch Masterchef and NCIS is not a family show, better off tweaking Roves new show and put that after MC Sundays
No new episodes of Show Me The Movie left.
I haven’t read the book nor seen the movie and came to Mystery Road more by curiosity than by the saturation advertising. I can’t believe that I sat through the 2 episodes without a resolution or 10 opportunities to 2nd screen. It must have been the high production values, the great cast, locations and a window to life in an outback township.
I have a few quibbles on the depicted Police procedures but that’s not unusual with me and cop shows. I will watch the next episodes but not “live”.
I enjoyed Mystery Road … I love Aaron Pederson in anything (he does great cop), but I thought Judy Davis was only average, seemingly miscast. It was great so see her in a television show, but she postured a lot and didn’t seem at all comfortable in the role. And, dare I say it, a little old for her police position.
Haven’t watched yet but fantastic to see Mystery Road do so well, up against the well established Sunday night juggernauts.
Especially as many local miniseries lately have been virtually ignored by most viewers..
Love island isn’t that bad once you get into it , the thing that sticks out the most is Sophie and her entering the house for her D+ hosting or announcements . She seems out of place as host , the host is never suppose to make re-Action faces ??
I’m sure she’s paid well so get that coin gurl
Sophie Monk is awful as a host. “The guy not chohsen will be booted orf the orland’…
Thank goodness she wasn’t saying chucked orf tha orland.
I’ve heard Sophie is hardly even seen on the show. Oh dear
Loved Mystery Road and so glad it beat that tripe that 7 served up. Jessica Falkholt was vey good in the small role she had.
I’m pleasantly surprised at the success of Mystery Road. If only more Aussies went to the cinemas to see local films too. Mystery Road did ok at the box office in 2013, but the sequel two years ago flopped. Judy Davis is the big drawcard for me here. Legend! I was one of the viewers who watched the Barnaby Vicky interview. I found it pretty compelling and thought here a very affecting interviewee. Yes it hasn’t changed my disdain and opinion about the former Deputy PM….. I also thought that The Voice was excellent viewing last night. Big night.
Was fantastic seeing Judy Davis back in an Aussie drama. Last saw her in “The Dressmaker” (2015) Aussie movie a couple of years ago and she was excellent in that.
Coincidently, David mentioned that Jocelyn Moorehouse (who directed that movie and won an AACTA) will be taking over Wanted.
Yes wasn’t she amazing in The Dressmaker? I’ve been a huge fan of hers since My Brilliant Career. It was just awesome to see her play broadly comical in the Moorehouse feature – so against type. I am still hopeful that Judy Davis will win an Oscar! David may correct me, but was the last TV that Judy did in Australia was ‘Water Under the Bridge’? That was 1980!!!!!
Correct. Hence I have referenced 38 yrs in previous posts. WUTB was amazing.
Sorry David I must have overlooked it. It’s hard to believe isn’t it? What a brilliant career. I loved Water Under The Bridge. Those years of mini series were such golden years of Aussie tv.
Love Island is getting absolutely thumped.
And Love Island was crushed by Avengers: Age of Ultron in the demographics too (LI didn’t even make Top 5 in multi-channel 25-54).
7mate and/or 7Two and one of their programs has been beating 9Go! and/or LI all last week.
That’s why last weeks episodes are the Number 2-6 highest rated VPM (online viewing) programs of the week according to Oztam.
The audience Love Island is attracting no longer watches FTA in the traditional way– they are the Netflix & other streaming service users who would prefer to watch Love Island in their own time than at the awkward time slot of 8:30pm.
A very expensive foray for Nine Now
In which case, it would be nice if they could release it only via VPM and leave the space open for a show that might appeal to the TV watchers.
Love Island was exceptionally raunchy at the very end last night. Tayla & Grant, newly coupled, do need to remember that cameras are watching every move. There seemed like there was only going to be one outcome the way they got to grips with each other.
MC was good.
Didn’t bother with Barnaby drama, but then I never normally bother with SN. Maybe he and his new partner should relocate to Midsomer
Hi David
How did Love Island go last night on the channels.
Many Thanks.
David C
Love Island drew 121,000 on 9GO!
Great episode. Sophie appeared oit of nowhere to boot Charlie off Love Orland. One less himbo in da house.
Charlie “no boat” is now Charlie “no girl”
I must confess I was off sick last week and used 9now to view it, the voice over guy is the best bit, whereas the contestants take the situation so seriously. “Cosmo the cat” or “the moon”, how hilarious!
I didn’t see either of the Mystery Road movies, but what I saw last night was exceptional. The casting was spot on, the storyline line was gripping and I’m looking forward to seeing what happens next….. Oh and I had to reach for the tissues when I saw the special tribute at the end for young Jess….
I didn’t know she was going to be in it. Did a double take when I saw her but there is no mistaking her after seeing her face so tragically on the news so many times.
I thoroughly enjoyed Mystery Road, even my husband who generally doesn’t like Australian shows said how good it was. Disappointed that so many people gave their time to watching that poor excuse for a human being and his girlfriend on Sunday night.