
Perez Hilton entering 10 jungle

The "Gossip Guru" will become an intruder on Monday night.

Perez Hilton will intrude in I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here tomorrow night as 10’s “Gossip Guru.”

The Herald Sun reports Hilton was initially approached to do last year’s season before casting agents went cold and successfully asked Richard Reid to appear (who went on to win the series).

Adding an international name to the cast is a coup for 10 which has mixed success with some in the past including Maureen McCormick, Carson Kressley, Tom Arnold, Andrew “Freddie” Flintoff, Vicky Pattison, Paul Burrell, Tiffany and Katherine Kelly Lang.

Hilton is no stranger to reality television having appeared on Celebrity Rap Superstar, Worst Cooks in America and Celebrity Big Brother UK but proved to be provocative with housemates, including using offensive and threatening language…. that should make for interesting headlines.

It isn’t clear how long he will stay as an intruder, but a hefty price tag might suggest not for too long.

Meanwhile expect the show’s finale on Sunday February 2 (against the Australian Open Men’s Final), but that’s yet to be confirmed.

Gossip Guru
A little birdie has informed us that a gossip guru is making their way into the South African jungle for I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here! And not so secret squirrel – apparently this influencer is world famous for their feuds. And, they’re bringing the tea and we bet it’s scathing hot. Talk about the mouth from the South… of Africa. They might be a gossip queen… but will they be the queen of the jungle?

20 Responses

  1. I’ve been enjoying the series. Unfortunately I won’t be watching it when this person enters. He is rather rude and distasteful.
    Let’s hope he gets booted out quickly

  2. He completely destroyed Celebrity Big Brother UK – rendered it utterly unwatchable. Vile, attention seeking, abusive – it’ll be like the very worst of MAFS and MKR rolled into one. No-one will get a word in – it’ll be the Perez show.
    Could we perhaps just cover him in hissing cockroaches and elephant shit and leave him outside camp for the animals? What a wretched, hateful human being.

  3. Guessed this one months ago when the first clue was released. Decent get, good cast this season.
    Surprised 10 will air the finale opposite the Men’s Final… I love that they’re not shying away from the competition and giving an alternative.

      1. Well I mean, they are…. with Survivor right?
        Kudos need to be given for the effort that 10 has put into Celeb this year and last, airing in a typical dead slot for them, up against the might of 2 strong summer sports and coming out of it pretty strong considering.

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