Seven wins Wednesday after more respectful leader’s debate
Plenty of praise for moderator Mark Riley steering Seven's debate. Travel Guides beats return of Gruen on ABC.
- Published by David Knox
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- Filed under News
Mark Riley was widely praised on social media for moderating a restrained Great Debate for Seven last night.
Sensibly standing in between both leaders, with a ticking timer and agreement, and an agreement for respectful debate, it appeared to learn from all the mistakes of Nine’s messy event.
In preliminary numbers it drew 527,000 metro viewers -obviously lower than Nine’s (641,000 on Sunday) with its Lego lead in. But it built on Big Brother and ensured Seven won the night.
Earlier Travel Guides led at 618,000 then Gruen (588,000), MasterChef Australia (510,000), 7:30 (491,000) and Big Brother (379,000).
Elsewhere The Weekly with Charlie Pickering was 520,000 then Tomorrow Tonight (277,000), First Dates (260,000) and movie: Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (246,000).
Seven network won Wednesday with 28.9% then Nine 27.6%, ABC 18.0%, 10 17.8% and SBS 7.7%.
Seven News was #1 at 950,000 / 909,000 for Seven. The Chase (565,000 / 336,000) and The Latest was 499,000 in preliminary numbers. Home & Away was 473,000.
Nine News (888,000 / 873,000) was best for Nine. A Current Affair won at 704,000 then Hot Seat (484,000 / 317,000).
ABC News drew 585,000. QI (204,000) and The Drum (176,000) followed.
The Project pulled 402,000 / 284,000 for 10. 10 News First was 324,000 / 248,000. Bull managed 108,000.
On SBS it was Tony Robinson’s Coast to Coast (171,000), SBS World News (147,000 / 119,000), MH370: The Lost Flight (146,000), Mastermind (96,000) and Cobra (65,000).
Peppa Pig led multichannels at 165,000.
Sunrise: 252,000
Today: 204,000
News Breakfast: 122,000 / 69,000
In Total TV numbers last Wednesday were:
The Thing About Pam: 544,000
The Voice: 1.34m
MasterChef: 658,000
Hard Quiz: 875,000
OzTAM Overnights: Wednesday 11 May 2022
- Tagged with 10 News First, 7:30, A Current Affair, ABC News, Big Brother, Bull, Cobra, First Dates, Gruen, Hard Quiz, Home & Away, Hot Seat, MasterChef Australia, Mastermind, MH370: The Lost Flight, News Breakfast, Nine News, Peppa Pig, Qi, SBS World News, Seven News, Sunrise, The Chase, The Drum, The Great Debate: The Final Showdown, The Latest, The Project, The Thing About Pam, The Voice, The Weekly with Charlie Pickering, Today, Tomorrow Tonight, Tony Robinson's Coast to Coast, Travel Guides
10 Responses
And as I predicted, MCA is increasing now The Voice is on less (or finished? Not sure which as I don’t follow The Voice). Enjoying MCA this season after a few years break. Predict it will continue to climb. It is is a big ask to commit to 12 weeks 5 times a week, just thank goodness it’s winter (well almost) as I am happy to commit!
The debate was more civil. I think it was an okay decision to not cut the mics as that would’ve come across as hostile and the leaders respected the time limits give or take a few seconds.
My verdict is that The Pub Test was the loser with so called undecided voters that were decided and rusted-on voters trying to feebly convince viewers. It probably had the opposite effect of what was intended. I just felt insulted. These gimmicks never work like the worm that would go up and down before the leaders started speaking. Whether it be the debates, or Q+A, or whatever, they should just give the debates and discussions without the audience reactions and let the viewer decide for themselves.
Something for all networks to boast about last night, but the stand out for me was Masterchef which topped 18-49 and 16-39 demographics in its 14th season! It was also #1 entertainment offering in 25-54s, incredible results given its age.
Travel Guides continues to be a runaway hit for Nine and appointment viewing for its loyal fan base. Who says only stripped shows work at 7.30?
The debate did well for Seven. Shame on the Prime Minister for refusing to front the ABC who would have given debates a more accessible and appropriate timeslot, there is clearly an audience for it.
I think the liberals believe the ABC favours other parties.
I think Scott Morrison should still appear on The 7.30 Report again one more time before the election considering Leigh Sales is finishing there after about 11 years. Liberals spokesperson said that they like Leigh but it was difficult to schedule, but didn’t rule it out.
I’m not 100% sure, but the debate could have been brought to us by 7news???
The only thing that could save BB is a a rise in BVOD numbers but unless it’s huge I don’t think even that will save it I record the weeks episodes and binge them on Friday nights and FF all the ads
Watched the debate but gave up when it went 30 minutes over without the verdict but that was obvious anyway it was better than the nine one simply because of where Mark was standing
I really enjoy Tomorrow Tonight
I think the big difference here is Riley was standing in between them. On Nine, Abo was way off to the side for some reason.
Gruen was painful to watch last night. It’s just lost the “oomph” that used to enjoy so much